25 creedmoor with 115 Berger & 110 eldx

DJ Fergus

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2015
I've got a buddy who's a 1/4 bore fanatic. Him & his son are interested in a 25 creedmoor. He's already got a 6.5 creedmoor that he shoots 130gr bullets from and a 22 creedmoor. This is going to be a light rifle for whitetail & coyotes for treestand and some stalking with shots rarely to 400 yards. He wants less recoil than the 6.5 creedmoor with 130s and he just likes 25 cals. So I'm thinking a 9 twist thats geared towards the 115 Berger or possibly a 110 eldx with a few other choices for bullets in that weight range. Now he's got several 25-06 rifles dedicated to shooting 80-100 gr bullets in 10 twist & he's wanting something different, so I completely understand that. Has anyone out there ran the 115 vld or 110 eldx in a 25 creedmoor? I'm sure there's some folks who's ran it in a 257 Roberts.
I just recently had a 1 in 7 twist creedmoor finished it loves 131 blackjacks as well as Berger 115 With somewhat milder recoil I’m shooting 131 at 2915 FPS not sure on my 115 Berger’s woods have been closed for quite a while to shooting so my development has come to a halt
I've got a buddy who's a 1/4 bore fanatic. Him & his son are interested in a 25 creedmoor. He's already got a 6.5 creedmoor that he shoots 130gr bullets from and a 22 creedmoor. This is going to be a light rifle for whitetail & coyotes for treestand and some stalking with shots rarely to 400 yards. He wants less recoil than the 6.5 creedmoor with 130s and he just likes 25 cals. So I'm thinking a 9 twist thats geared towards the 115 Berger or possibly a 110 eldx with a few other choices for bullets in that weight range. Now he's got several 25-06 rifles dedicated to shooting 80-100 gr bullets in 10 twist & he's wanting something different, so I completely understand that. Has anyone out there ran the 115 vld or 110 eldx in a 25 creedmoor? I'm sure there's some folks who's ran it in a 257 Roberts.
Have you thought about twisting it faster for the hammers and blackjacks?
Have you thought about twisting it faster for the hammers and blackjacks?
I did think about that but since he's shooting 130s in the 6.5 creedmoor and wants less recoil than that, I don't think he would want to run the 131 black jack. Personally, I would just go with the 6mm creedmoor if it were me and run the heavies in it but he's pretty set on something in 25 cal.
I did think about that but since he's shooting 130s in the 6.5 creedmoor and wants less recoil than that, I don't think he would want to run the 131 black jack. Personally, I would just go with the 6mm creedmoor if it were me and run the heavies in it but he's pretty set on something in 25 cal.
The 92 hammer will run in a 10
I ran a .250AI for a few years with 100SMKs @ 3190, 100 TTSX @ 3120, and 115 HVLD @ 3050. Put a hurtin' on mule deer out past 300, coyotes out to 1327, and javelina out to 120.

I would still run a 1:7" for the fact he might someday wish to spin the 131s, or if Berger ever releases their 130, or the ATIP 135 ever comes along. The 115s will still shoot lights out in it too. I tried the 115s in my 1:7.5" 25SST @ 3410 and they are tack drivers.
This is going to be a light rifle for whitetail & coyotes for treestand and some stalking with shots rarely to 400 yards. He wants less recoil than the 6.5 creedmoor with 130s and he just likes 25 cals.

I did think about that but since he's shooting 130s in the 6.5 creedmoor and wants less recoil than that, I don't think he would want to run the 131 black jack.

So I'm thinking a 9 twist thats geared towards the 115 Berger or possibly a 110 eldx with a few other choices for bullets in that weight range. Now he's got several 25-06 rifles dedicated to shooting 80-100 gr bullets in 10 twist & he's wanting something different, so I completely understand that.

If he's truly looking for something with less recoil, the 110/115 are still going to bounce the recoil meter for him. The fact that he shoots a .25-06 with the lighter bullets really shouldn't prevent him from using say, a 100 grain bullet in the .25 Creedmoor, providing him with less recoil.

I've shot the 100 grain Scirocco in a .250 Savage Ackley Improved with excellent results on deer and coyote. Using this bullet in the Creedmoor is a no brainer for less recoil, accuracy and energy on target at the distances suggested.

When compared to the 131 in the Creedmoor, the Scirocco is mild.

I’d also go with a 7 twist. That way you’re open to shoot the BJ or the Hammers. A 90 gr Absolute Hammer should be fast with light recoil. And with the 7 twist could shoot heavier bullets if needed.
I love my quarter bores. I just finished a load for my 257AI with the 110 Accubond. Running it at a mild 2950 and it’s straight hammers the deer.

Id go 1:7 twist (which is what I’m running) and he can shoot the 110s up to the 130+. About to start load development for the 131s as well.
I just recently had a 1 in 7 twist creedmoor finished it loves 131 blackjacks as well as Berger 115 With somewhat milder recoil I’m shooting 131 at 2915 FPS not sure on my 115 Berger’s woods have been closed for quite a while to shooting so my development has come to a halt

What length barrel on your 25creed to get that 2915? I'm about to buy a barrel and my heavy thoughts are 20inch
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