I'm new here,but not to the world. I have been to many sites,forums,and other discussion groups. looking for,what I now think,a hens tooth. I purchased a 22-250,I have an 223,and a 243, just trying to fill the gap in my old age. I got there before the baby boomers. Back to my point. Since manufactures think that lengthen the freebore , you can shoot longer and heavier bullets,which anybody knows is BS. In this forum is there someone who can give me a prospective of what I'm looking as to jump,leade to contact of rifling? My o-give is 2.104 55gr nosler . Coal. 2.438. Saami. says 2.350 Max. In these forums, I have seen , mine is 2.511. I have seen no jump or .45 to what ever. this a new rifle, 1x14,.nothing fired thru barrel. At this time I'm looking for someone who has overcome this problem. as it stands my jump is about .090 .seating becomes a serious problem in more ways than one. the gun is being bedded and I'm at the point, the rifle was cleaned before any measurements were taken ,my D.I. said ok.,of sending it back to the unemployed rocket scientist,or marketing expert that came up with this idea. It all leads to barrel erosion. I'm on an fixed income so don't tell me to send it here, they will fix it for $400. I paid $500.00 for the gun, yes they had in stock 3.5 years. I thank you for any serious input . clark6898.