X2 on the Barnes and Noslers ! ! ! They are about the only ones in factory ammo that will hold up to the little .22/250. Not sure if they make them any longer, but Federal Fusion had those 62gr. TBBC that held up well for me. I had a .22/250 culling rifle that was deadly ! ! ! It sported a 26" 1:8 tube and I shot the 75gr. Swift Scirocco on top of 38 grs. of H4350, it moved along around 3300/3350 fps. Any animals' neck that the crosshairs laid upon was lights-out! ! ! I even dumped a big blue rouge Brahma bull for a customer at 157 big steps from the truck door. Put the crosshairs just below his ear on the neck and it was like someone turn his switch off. . .DRT ! ! ! I'm not saying that the .22/250 is a deer machine, because there are far better choices out there. . .but with the right bullet, in the right spot, in the right hands, it's a long range killer no question about it. I've taken out hundreds of hogs and deer with that little round. Good luck.