208gr.Amax load advice


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2014
I thinking of going to the 208grAmax for my 30/06 I was wondering if they like to be jammed or jumped I hope I can jump them so I can load my magazine (3.34in) if not no big deal and was wondering about powders I have good luck with imr4350 and 200gr. Smks, good accuracy with good velocity. I don't need the highest velocity but I'm after accuracy, although I want the highest I can get with the best accuracy. Any thoughts,secrets, and tricks would be appreciated, I hope I can return the favor sometime thanks
Bill Gohring.
I'm way off the lands with my .300win mag. . Just do a seating depth test and let your rifle tell you.
I'm glad to hear everybody is giving them a jump, I wanted to find a load that would fit in my mag but I rarely load it but I like having the option....
Start with a COAL of 3.34 and change your seating depth based on the feedback your rifle gives you.

As for powders, look at H4831SC and with such a big bullet you might even try H1000. IMR or H4350 are probably too fast for such a heavy bullet.
I seated them to function in my 30-06 magazine.

I didn't get too great of velocity out of my 22 inch barrel, but precision was great and the bullets cut wind so well, I really didn't mind the slower speed.
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I seated them to function in my 30-06 magazine.

I didn't get too great of velocity out of my 22 inch barrel, but precision was great and the bullets cut wind so well, I really didn't mind the slower speed.
I'm glad to hear that they might work in my mag I would sacrifice a little velocity for accuracy any day..
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