178 amax


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
Anyone care to share some 178 AMAX 308 Winchester load data using Varget or Win 748 powders. Got two boxes of the 178's and really have not spent much time with them. I did load 43.2 Varget and got 2600 FPS last time at the range just to give me a starting point. Accuracy was ok to good. No signs of pressure. I'd like to stay with Varget but if you have a good 748 load I need to get rid of the last pound or so. Also...true or false, 748 I should be using mag primers??? All my Varget loads get CCI BR2's. Very happy with that combo. Never used mag primers with 748. Finding consistency with Win 748 is proving to be difficult.

If you got a RL 15 or RL 17 recipe with the 178 AMAX throw that at me too.
Ludacris I have had good results with the 178 a max with varget I have a hart 22.85” 1/10 twist my pet load for this combo is 44.5 gr varget cci br2 primers have not seen much difference in seating depth in contrast to accuracy out of my gun I have shot .23” groups at 100 also if u have a 1 10 twist I highly recommend 208 amax starting at 37 gr varget and working up my gun loved the 208 varget combo the mv is a little slow but with a tried bc of .652 at 2494 fps my gun has shot many groups under .2 moa best being a 5 shot group that measures .08 ” this is my go to load for 308 long range

Lc brass headstamped 08
Cci br2 primers
208 amax
40.0 gr varget
.008 off lands and groves
2494 out of 22.85” hart 1/10 twist at 2900 ft 92 degree

Best of luck
Yeah I've been playing with the 208's a lot. I'm getting 2352 FPS with 40.0 Varget .020 off the lands. This is what I'm seeing at 100 yards consistently (two five shot and a ten in the center):


Have not taken them out past 200 yards because my setup only left me 15 moa up on my scope after zero at 100. Just put a 20 MOA base on and I'm going to throw these 178's downrange first. Gun is a Savage BA10. I am taking a few 208's out but don't want to waste many if those.
Am not able to upload pix bc I am currently in afghan but u should check sniper central just ordered a 45 most rail for mine so I can push to a mile also going to try berger 230 hybrid
Anyone care to share some 178 AMAX 308 Winchester load data using Varget or Win 748 powders. Got two boxes of the 178's and really have not spent much time with them. I did load 43.2 Varget and got 2600 FPS last time at the range just to give me a starting point. Accuracy was ok to good. No signs of pressure. I'd like to stay with Varget but if you have a good 748 load I need to get rid of the last pound or so. Also...true or false, 748 I should be using mag primers??? All my Varget loads get CCI BR2's. Very happy with that combo. Never used mag primers with 748. Finding consistency with Win 748 is proving to be difficult.

If you got a RL 15 or RL 17 recipe with the 178 AMAX throw that at me too.

I don't have any load date for those powders but I do for H4895 if you choose to use that I can help you out.

I have killed deer witht eh 178 Amax in the 308 and it's perfect.....from 2400fps at 30 yds to 500yds it's perfectly effective.

I now use the Amax with perfect confidence...
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