Gray Wolf Killed Michigan LP


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Deserves own thread. Man kills gray wolf! No duh! They are literally just across the straits in the UP. Freaking MIDNR lies to cover up they are in LP and now "dead evidence"! The elk herd will be buffet.

About 25 yrs ago I started hunting with my buddies that live in the LP but owned land about in the middle of the UP. I can remember sitting in the cabin and them talking about the DNR releasing wolves in the LP but doing it within a few miles of a couple poultry farms. That would have been late 90"s. They denied it back then but it came out it was true.
My buddy just sent me a trail cam pic of a wolf in the UP where he hunts. We use to see tracks all over up there and he says there are far more now.
All part of the DNR plan IMO. Nobody with half a brain wouldn't realize the wolves will migrate onto the LP. Our DNR is "infested" with looney left biologists. Denied for years no mountain lions in LP disregarding reams of both physical and photo evidence. Starting calling them escaped pets. Yeah with DNA from ND. The intent is clear, replace hunters with predators regardless of potential dangerous risk to existing wildlife populations, domestic animals and people.
Ok so here is my take on it. I work for a federal gov agency that manages trees and that's all Il say on that. I know a lot of biologists that have spoken on this and they were originally trying to re establish an ecosystem predator to prey ratio that was more like it would have been pre settlement here in the US. The problem with that is we have so heavily altered the forest and every ecosystem on this continent so the re establishment of a predator is a futile attempt in ecosystem restoration of a predator vs prey hierarchy. Not only that a lot of people that pushed for this were biologist that came from a city and never really experienced the outdoors on a level many outdoorsman have, they got it from literature and real world practical application has many unforeseen circumstances that they either didn't think about or care about. In general the wolf re introduction started off wrong because many populations that they re introducing in the lower 48 were genetic stock from Canada because we extirpated them from the lower 48, Canadian wolves are bigger eat more and breed faster then those that were originally here. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they are going to do more damage than good. Couple that with an already stressed and declining moose population across the north east and you all can see where this is going.
You know we had T-Rex wandering around at one time but no need to bring him back. Wait! Unless the environment is Capital cities or National Capital. Seems logical then.
Would like to see the T-Rex re-introduced into Southern CA, DC, MD, Portland, San Fran where all the Eco Environmentalists live and try to determine what species of animals should be re-introduced and where. That should be right up on the list with the Ground Owls, Purple footed Mice, and Poison Ivey, Oh and can't leave out Fire Ants along with Amazon Killer Honey Bees.
Need to have Theropods/Reptiles, Mammals, Vegetations, Foul/Warblers, and Insects on their to do list for saving the Planet and Humanity.