Advice on first LRH rifle please.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
Mesa AZ
Obviously new to the forum and looking to build my first long range big gun. I live and avidly hunt out west. I recently built a .257 WBY for 400lb. game and smaller. I had been using a stock Remington 700 LSS .300 WSM on larger game. Although it shot well I wasn't really happy with the rifle. I considered making it into a 6.5 WSM for a short time but since the .257 WBY was already in the works I decided to sell it to a buddy that's a little less picky than I. So here it goes... In my own research I'm leaning toward something in the .338 caliber range due to there higher BC and heavier weights. (however I'm open to other suggestions.) I think I like the idea of starting with a Sendero platform. My first thoughts were building a .338 Edge from a .300 RUM. Than I started reading on the .338 RUM. From what I can tell its just makes more sense to buy a .338 RUM if that's the ballistic performance your looking for. However they don't make a sendero chambered in .338 RUM. Like I said I am new to the long range thing and defiantly open to other suggestions on rifles and the best way to go about building a good platform. This seems to be the place with allot of good folks to point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,
I think that is a wise decision. When the 338 Edge was developed they didn't have the 338 RUM developed yet as a factory option. Now that they have it, there is really no reason to go to the Edge. You will gain negligible gains with the Edge. The RUM runs right there with it. So here's my thought, instead of buying a whole rifle, you should look at both the classifieds here on this sight, snipers hide, and for just an action. You may want to look for a stock too, as people often sell the sendero stocks and various other stocks that will work with a Remington actions. You could probably build a rifle with used parts for a little less than a factory new rifle. The only thing I would purchase new is the barrel. You may get lucky and find a good deal on a custom rifle action capable of handling a magnum cartridge.

Don't know if you have any interest, but so far the reviews have been very positive, Savage offers some .338 Lapua models. The two I would be most interested in are the 110BA, and the 110 FCP-HS. They do make a 111 Long Range Hunter model, but I'm not a fan of the stock. I would go the extra couple dollars and get the H-S Precision stock. Just thought I would through that in the mix. Hope this helps.

Another option is to chose a low dollar model Remington in the caliber you want, sell the parts off that rifle and build the rifle you desire.

I definitely would stick with the RUM or upgrade to a Lapua.

Check first 5 pgs. of classifieds here ,there are some Rums w/low rnd count,and edges also. There is a nice 338 Edge, Jense precision, That rifle would cost as much as that whole package now almost
Thank you gentleman,

I will break down what you posted, research my options and will probably have many more questions in the near future.

SPEED- the sendero was made in 338. just not now . hard to find used in 338 and HIGH price. my brother has a rum and son in law has a 338 lapua. i can't imagine what they need all that powder / power for. my 300 wm and 7mm rem are TOO much for most of the stuff i get drawn for here. he!! the deer only weigh about 80 pounds.
SPEED- the sendero was made in 338. just not now . hard to find used in 338 and HIGH price. my brother has a rum and son in law has a 338 lapua. i can't imagine what they need all that powder / power for. my 300 wm and 7mm rem are TOO much for most of the stuff i get drawn for here. he!! the deer only weigh about 80 pounds.

Funny you should mention that. I discovered this yesterday digging up some reaserch. Thank you for the post. Also I do have an insane passion for hunting the little couse deer your describing. However this rifle wount be for them. I have infact too many others rifles more suited for smaller light skinned game. Starting next year I will begin to put in for multiple out of state tags for both Elk and Moose.

Thanks again
So If I were to go the route of purchasing an action and starting from scratch where do you guys recomend purchasing just the action from?

Do some research. Talk to guys about what actions they are using. Talk to your gunsmith and see what he suggests. As you are using it for hunting, you want to make sure it will be an action that will perform well under adverse conditions. Some of the competition actions don't handle dirt a weather conditions very well. That is where I would start.

Start here:
Ok, Id like to run this buy a few of you guys before pulling the trigger.

.338 RUM build.

I have purchased a SS 700 long action with magnum bolt face. It will be blueprinted. Im looking at a 1:9 twist Krieger barrel with a Vias threaded break. Sendero contour. (length undecided yet). McMillan GPH stock. Trigger is undecided yet.

I have chosen Mark Penrod from Penrod Precision for the Smith on this.

Does this sound like a good start? Any input would be much appreciated.

Im looking for recomended barrel countours for this build. It will be a packed in hunting rifle. Id like to go with the lightest contour without sacraficing long range accuracy. Again new at this and looking for advice.

The sendero contour is a great choice but not necessary for hunting accuracy. I'd be looking in the #5 contour range to keep weight down a bit and get it fluted. For the brake, I'm a HUGE fan of the Centershot Rifles Muscle brake, it just plain works better than anything else I have used. The big advantage to the heavier barrel will be repeateable accuracy as the barrel heats up more than anything else. A Kreiger in a #5 should get you 1st/2nd shot accuracy with no heat related issues as you would find in a hunting situation and will keep the weight reasonable for packing. I recently went through this same process in 280AI for a packing rifle as my 15lb 300RUM is just no fun to haul over hill and dale all day long. Mine is 700 based as well with a Rock #5 fluted in a manners t5 and should finish up right at the 9lb. mark. One other thing to consider is just going 300RUM as there is a virtual metric shitton of components availiable and you really don't give up much to the 338RUM. The 208 Amax and 210 Berger both hit like sledgehammers and are easier to come by than some of the 338 pills. Another upside is once you shoot out the 300 barrel and decide you have to have a 338(?) then its just a set of dies away to neck up to 338 EDGE and you already have brass. Just my .02
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