Lead Poisoning

Something I noticed when dealing with the Hammer crowd is one person engages and then the minions come in when someone calls the post out. Later on the OP or leader cries about Hammer's being hated on even he is hated. Too much drama. I only spoke because when one of us sides with groups that support organizations like the Sierra Club it is of my opinion it hurts hunters, shooters, and anyone who values 2A rights. You all are welcomed to the Hammers. I'll look elsewhere for mono bullets if need be.
Look fellas it's obvious that you don't want people like me that aren't hammer fans. So just let it go lol. Don't tag me for more comments that you don't want to hear. It's really that simple.
I don't care what bullet anyone shoots but I found this very interesting, I would have never thought about what was found here

Dangit gentlemen (I didn't include ladies because I haven't seen one respond yet) this thread has both been entertaining and concerning. I'm not at all trying to be a mediator or a therapist, but one thing is for sure and that's the fact that were all on the same team and I hope we stay that way because what we all love depends on it. It's no different than in my baseball days from little league through professional baseball, if there was ever an issue with a teammate, you took it up in the clubhouse even if it meant throwing haymakers. One thing that never happened was showing each other up in front of the opposition. This forum is one of the best and we all need to stand strong together and if we have disagreements, let's do it one on one and not expose it to people (if you want to call them that) who want us all to go away and take away what we're all passionate about. Send a PM and possibly have a conversation and I believe we'll find solution. There's more great bullet options out now than ever before and rising waters raises all ships and we the shooters benefit from all of their efforts and we now have multitude of bullets to fill about any need. Heck what I thought was impossible ten years ago is now the status quo. Sorry for the rant, I just hope we can all do better.
Something I noticed when dealing with the Hammer crowd is one person engages and then the minions come in when someone calls the post out. Later on the OP or leader cries about Hammer's being hated on even he is hated. Too much drama. I only spoke because when one of us sides with groups that support organizations like the Sierra Club it is of my opinion it hurts hunters, shooters, and anyone who values 2A rights. You all are welcomed to the Hammers. I'll look elsewhere for mono bullets if need be.
Maybe you saw a reflection bud. Just sayin... Amazing human nature at work in our perspectives... 😉
Dangit gentlemen (I didn't include ladies because I haven't seen one respond yet) this thread has both been entertaining and concerning. I'm not at all trying to be a mediator or a therapist, but one thing is for sure and that's the fact that were all on the same team and I hope we stay that way because what we all love depends on it. It's no different than in my baseball days from little league through professional baseball, if there was ever an issue with a teammate, you took it up in the clubhouse even if it meant throwing haymakers. One thing that never happened was showing each other up in front of the opposition. This forum is one of the best and we all need to stand strong together and if we have disagreements, let's do it one on one and not expose it to people (if you want to call them that) who want us all to go away and take away what we're all passionate about. Send a PM and possibly have a conversation and I believe we'll find solution. There's more great bullet options out now than ever before and rising waters raises all ships and we the shooters benefit from all of their efforts and we now have multitude of bullets to fill about any need. Heck what I thought was impossible ten years ago is now the status quo. Sorry for the rant, I just hope we can all do better.
Well said, brother. 👍
Dangit gentlemen (I didn't include ladies because I haven't seen one respond yet) this thread has both been entertaining and concerning. I'm not at all trying to be a mediator or a therapist, but one thing is for sure and that's the fact that were all on the same team and I hope we stay that way because what we all love depends on it. It's no different than in my baseball days from little league through professional baseball, if there was ever an issue with a teammate, you took it up in the clubhouse even if it meant throwing haymakers. One thing that never happened was showing each other up in front of the opposition. This forum is one of the best and we all need to stand strong together and if we have disagreements, let's do it one on one and not expose it to people (if you want to call them that) who want us all to go away and take away what we're all passionate about. Send a PM and possibly have a conversation and I believe we'll find solution. There's more great bullet options out now than ever before and rising waters raises all ships and we the shooters benefit from all of their efforts and we now have multitude of bullets to fill about any need. Heck what I thought was impossible ten years ago is now the status quo. Sorry for the rant, I just hope we can all do better.
Great comment. Hey what works for 1 might not work as well for someone else. It don't make it right or wrong that is the beauty of the sport . The biggest thing to remember is that we have a government that wants to take away our hobby and way of life
Something I noticed when dealing with the Hammer crowd is one person engages and then the minions come in when someone calls the post out. Later on the OP or leader cries about Hammer's being hated on even he is hated. Too much drama. I only spoke because when one of us sides with groups that support organizations like the Sierra Club it is of my opinion it hurts hunters, shooters, and anyone who values 2A rights. You all are welcomed to the Hammers. I'll look elsewhere for mono bullets if need be.
Brah, Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.

I have my experience with Hammers. I'm so impressed with them I just want people to try them and see them be as happy as me. Steve Davis pays me $0. Steve Davis takes hundreds of dollars from me at a time, lol. I don't even get a T shirt or hat. I don't even know if Steve even likes me. I've only spoke to him on the phone when I was a knucklehead about something and he sussed me out right style.

The problem arises when people don't speak the truth about Hammer bullet performance. They speak out their butts and mostly just lie about them. That is when I merely ask those folk to explain their statements. "Let's see if what you claim is true". Well, that is when everything falls apart, every single daggum time. Then it goes into an emotionally charge, biased, liberal democrat like crap show.

Like when you cyber bullied me outside of the locked Slide forum on Hammers, then called me an anti lead bullet and anti 2A cultist of Hammer bullets. Threatened me with further character assassination attempts. Acted like you had power over me. There is nothing more pathetic than a bully. You really worry me about what you have turned into if you let a forum thread about bullets take you to that level. If you are hurting and feel a need to hurt others. We can talk. I've been there.
Brah, Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.

I have my experience with Hammers. I'm so impressed with them I just want people to try them and see them be as happy as me. Steve Davis pays me $0. Steve Davis takes hundreds of dollars from me at a time, lol. I don't even get a T shirt or hat. I don't even know if Steve even likes me. I've only spoke to him on the phone when I was a knucklehead about something and he sussed me out right style.

The problem arises when people don't speak the truth about Hammer bullet performance. They speak out their butts and mostly just lie about them. That is when I merely ask those folk to explain their statements. "Let's see if what you claim is true". Well, that is when everything falls apart, every single daggum time. Then it goes into an emotionally charge, biased, liberal democrat like crap show.

Like when you cyber bullied me outside of the locked Slide forum on Hammers, then called me an anti lead bullet and anti 2A cultist of Hammer bullets. Threatened me with further character assassination attempts. Acted like you had power over me. There is nothing more pathetic than a bully. You really worry me about what you have turned into if you let a forum thread about bullets take you to that level. If you are hurting and feel a need to hurt others. We can talk. I've been there.
Well sad, The truth scares most folks