Strelok Banned in USA

I'm not sure how "innocent" Igor is, I heard rumors he modified his app to use for the Russian army's artillery, and the app's logo has always been the "red star"

I will hold out on passing judgement until i hear more facts.
My thoughts too. I have always wondered how much data China is collecting on us using DJI drones etc. The fly and they map and they use GPS coordinates. I had wondered if Strelok could be doing the same thing.... locating and documenting who is into serious shooting in this country and where they live. Sounds implausible but if you knew where to strike to take out the resistance and supplies ahead of time might be pretty useful for the guys launching missiles.

Crazy world we live in!
Russia would never had struck Ukraine had the corrupt politicians in this country and Ukraine would have not have bio labs near them doing who knows what in them along with other atrocities that are happening there. Do any of you that are pro Ukraine know that its the most corrupt country on earth and that the dnc get a huge chunk of money from that country, probably not because some believe the talking heads on tv that get orders from the intelligence agencies on what to put on tv and what not to. Most information about how corrupt Ukraine is probably wiped off the web unless you go to the to find old articles about the nazis and other information that people don't know about, forgot or don't hear about anymore.
Ukrainian nazis, corrupt government, corporations and bio labs in this war are not a victims. Most of the citizens/areas in Ukraine want to be with mother Russia.
Igor has a very good app, it works and is simple. If the resident wouldn't have started all this turmoil in the world there would be no issue. Don't believe everything you see and hear on tv…..research, research and research, follow the money, hear the talk these corrupt politicians say and watch their actions, actions speaks VOLUMES!
"Ukraine" is Slavic for "money laundering".🤘
That is correct and that is actually what the corrupt politicians(both rinos and dems) in this country and others use Ukraine for! Among other things that most here would call me a conspiracy theorist for, so I'll leave that alone! Truth always prevails over propaganda over time, and people can't and don't want to hear the truth.
If you have never seen "The Social Dilemma" you need to watch it.
It IS NOT a political documentary.
It is a documentary about how AI has been running Google algorithms for years.
The computers write their own codes. They
Feed everyone what they want TRUE or FALSE information. All of this is done to keep you on your device. Guaranteed time for advertising so Google can make the most advertising money it can. They track everything about you. They know you better than you do in many cases. If you stop for 2.7 seconds while scrolling to look at an ad or news headline it knows it and puts it into your profile.
Just watch it…..especially if you have kids.
I haven't used this app. But just saw this today on impact shooter on YouTube. I wonder if they(Russians) could have been gleaning location data etc or even more on users of the app.
Totally new story to me. Just wondering if you all on here knew more about it?
No. Russian snipers are using it in Ukraine....but so are the Ukrainians

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