Shoot big game from the road/vehicle in wyoming?

Harass, pursue, hunt, shoot or kill any Wyoming wildlife except predatory animals with, from or by use of any flying machine, automotive vehicle, trailer, motor-propelled wheeled vehicle or vehicle designed for travel over snow. The Commission may exempt handicapped hunters from any of these provisions. It is also illegal to shoot waterfowl from a boat under power or sail
Not sure if it is still the case but some time ago it was perfectly legal in PA too shoot over a road providing the bullet flight didn't interfere with traffic; or some such language.

For a wide variety of reasons those guys should not be making/posting videos of their hunts.
The law in Pa allows for shooting from a road you are walking along, or even hunting from, provided you dont shoot across it. In other words you can shoot in the direction away from the road you are walking or hunting from.
You can also shoot across any road, even an interstate road, provided you are well above the vehicle traffic.
I live in Wyoming. I believe the law/hunting regs state you have to have a special permit to hunt from a vehicle if you're handicapped. I have no problem with someone who's really handicapped, hunting for a vehicle. We have a lot of roads for that kind of thing. But I'm not sure about non-res hunting for handicapped. A couple years ago I witnessed two men and one women exit a stopped vehicle on BLM land. Both men shouldered a rifle with in two feet of their truck. Both took shots at a speed goat. Both missed. I took a video after I realized what was happening and a picture. Unfortunately, even with a fairly large decal on their back window, G & F were unable to find them to my knowledge. One warden called me and I gave him details.
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The law in Pa allows for shooting from a road you are walking along, or even hunting from, provided you dont shoot across it. In other words you can shoot in the direction away from the road you are walking or hunting from.
You can also shoot across any road, even an interstate road, provided you are well above the vehicle traffic.
The shooting across a highway sounds crazy.. I'm surprised any state would allow that! Some guys don't practice enough to know their dope, lol.
Pa Law


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There's a lot of differences in hunting areas and hunting techniques/styles....growing up on the coast where brush is super thick and getting a lucky buck or bull on the road is a true most cases if that critter runs 50' off the side of the road it's gone never to be seen again.......
Hunting ground blinds over feed lots isn't really hunting....its selecting....
Hunting muleys or antelope in the sage flats or hills is a mixture of may get a chance to see those critters within range....
Shooting a critter from a county road that is basically wide enough for passing traffic is not necessarily a grand idea..especially if it's paved...but dirt two track roads leading into the mountains public or private owned....well that comes down to the person and perspective of the hunt......
If you are driving along a dirt road with land open for hunting on both sides..and a really nice bull, buck or prong steps out..are you going to squabble about the easy pack.....
I sure won't......although that scenario doesnt seem to happen to me.......i might be on a road..but it might be 2 or 3 miles in behind a locked gate.....i will keep rubbing the genie lantern......
As for the portion of the law regarding vehicles, it was implemented for the sole purpose of preventing (road hunting).
Pa has millions of acres of public access land, much of it in very remote areas. There are many miles of roads including dirt mountain roads thruout the region.
It was and frankly still is to some degree very possible that you would encounter a vehicle moving very slowly along with the occupants looking for game.
Many times they wont even pull over to permit another vehicle to pass them. And of coarse you can leave it to your imagination as to how they might shoot should they see something.
Very popular method during the (ahem) Elk hunt.
However you can take a position or stand along a road and shoot from it.
In some areas, long range hunters will be set up on the shoulder of the road, as a rule dirt mountain roads, with a bench having a gun sitting on it and a group of hunters glassing across the valley with tripod mounted optics.
We do likewise from the front yard of our camp, and shoot across 2 paved roads while doing so. And weve been doing it very openly for about 50 years.
And were not the only ones doing it in that area.
If shooting pronghorn from a wide open dirt road/ 2 track in Wyoming is illegal about half of Pronghorn hunters are or have been guilty I bet, maybe not stopping right in the middle but pulling off the shoulder and using the hood/tailgate etc for rest. Sure non residents donthis and that, but resident hunters by far have done the most poaching and seriously illegal type things in my experience/opinion. Now leaving gates open that is another story....... Ethically In this wide open terrain does it really matter if its off the truck or 30 feet off the road, with our 1000 yard rifle locked into a huge tripod so that you don't need to even hold the gun steady.
Edit to add, I was Pronghorn hunting in Wyoming this year and the only time I saw people walking from a truck was to drag a Pronghorn to the truck.
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