Old primers

Riceguy I never seen a box made of wood. I bought CCI primers in about 1966-70 ? era, They had the tray made out of wood with groves the primer stood on their edge. No stop on the edge. When you opened the 100 piece box better have it over a large bowl, Or the search was on.
I store primers in metal military ammo boxes.
I am sort of a collector/hoarder too. I have a paper bag with wire closer of Hodgden H4831 from the late 1960's when we ordered it for .75 (Seventy Five Cents a pound) plus freight.
The box with the vertical CCI is from about 1965. Primers should work fine. I just finished off the last of some ALCAN primers from the 50's. They all went bang and the bullets hit the targets.
Here are some old ones, they are large pistol, wooden trays
I have this old box of primers i picked up for fun, i was curious if anyone knew the age or approximate age of production.
In the late 50's and early 60's. I started reloading in 1962, and I remember those type of boxes. To far back to give any closer dates. I got some of those primers when I purchase the rifle and reloading gear.
Dear Sir what I will tell you is that these a CCI primers and Remmington Arms primers need to be inspected due to their age. I am a Certified Primer inspector for CCI and Remington Arms. Please do not shoot these primers since they are so old and should be sent to me ASAP. In fact if anyone that has any questionable thought about their primers ship them to me I will give you the origanal sale prices of $1.86 per 1,000 container. If you have newer primers attach your sales slip with them. No worries if you don't hav a sales slip, I can look up the lot # and give you compensatation from that. You will be paid by check or PayPal. After I shoot all these primers I will give you an accessment with Percentages of working Primers.

Please ship to:
Leonard Suchar
Primer Inspection
Coyote Shadow Tracker
3130 Mount Paron Church Road
Social, Circle, GA 30025

If you have any technical questions please call our help line 678-427-6168.

Thanks much
Len & Jill
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I have the older CCI's in the tan boxes, but wondering if this green box predates those. The plastic tray color looks like marble


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