7mm Blaser Mag experience?


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I'm looking at the Sherman Max and the Blaser. I would rather the Blaser but leaning toward Sherman because of reamer die and brass availability
They are very similar it appears, but no doubt the sherman is more readily available and could fire saum ammo. I had bought blaser brass before I was really aware of what the sherman was. Can't go wrong with either imho.
I need a reamer in 6.5 I think I'll go with the rogue. I'm going to load the 156 Berger bullet. Anyone got one to rent?
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So the 7 blaser mag has the exact capacity of the 7 wsm..
Why not just go that route?
There's plenty of brass options now, and dies/reamers are everywhere
So the 7 blaser mag has the exact capacity of the 7 wsm..
Why not just go that route?
There's plenty of brass options now, and dies/reamers are everywhere
Now that adg is going to supposedly have brass, a 6.5 wsm off a 270wsm case is where I'd go. Would still have a fairly long neck. The Blaser case has a 0.330" neck, I really like that about it. The 7wsm is very short. I think the Blaser was a great design that never caught on. The 300 blaser mag was essentially a 30 nosler with a longer neck and 30° shoulder.
Now that adg is going to supposedly have brass, a 6.5 wsm off a 270wsm case is where I'd go. Would still have a fairly long neck. The Blaser case has a 0.330" neck, I really like that about it. The 7wsm is very short. I think the Blaser was a great design that never caught on. The 300 blaser mag was essentially a 30 nosler with a longer neck and 30° shoulder.
I'm just talking about the straight 7mm versions of the two cases.
The longer neck on the Blaser is only beneficial if someone has it throated long and then wants to shoot lighter shorter bullets for some reason.
Otherwise I believe the 35 degree shoulder on the wsm makes it the better case, I only had to trim twice in 10 loadings while my saum needs trimmed every other firing.
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