Buying a new rifle: Which Remington 700 to buy?

I have faced real bears in real life, you are not one. The last time I called you out directly, I was accused of specifically targeting you, which I have no problem BTW. I created a thread just for you.
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Man, I wish I was as cool as you.

Do these rifles, specifically the 5R, come with a floated barrel? If not, is it necessary in these rifles? Also is an additional bedding agent required?
It is definitely necessary to bed this rifle if you don't there's enough room in the stock it will move on recoil after a few shots you can take it out of the stock and see where the action rubbing a shine on the aluminum bedding block I have seen the action screws bent I see this 2-3 times a week in my gunsmith shop
It is definitely necessary to bed this rifle if you don't there's enough room in the stock it will move on recoil after a few shots you can take it out of the stock and see where the action rubbing a shine on the aluminum bedding block I have seen the action screws bent I see this 2-3 times a week in my gunsmith shop

Ok, I will be sure to get that done. How hard is it to do myself, considering it would be my first time? Also what compound do you use for bedding?
Why use such an antique round? The 300 RUM is a better round and doesn't have that silly, useless belt around the bottom. The belt can limit case life unless extreme care is used resizing cases, because the case will stretch to fit the chamber each shot. You also need a bit of luck when it comes to how it's chambered. In my experience, most rifles have too much room between the belt & neck, causing the case stretch. This includes my own .338 WM. i can only get 2 - 3 reloads before the brass gets relegated to the light load bin due to this stretching. Some rifles are better, some are far worse. The 300 RUM gets much better case life. During load development I've gotten as many as 15 reloads out of several cases without annealing! These are not pussyfoot loads, either. Besides the belt, there's nothing wrong with 300 WM, it's just that the 300 RUM is a little better in just about every way!
Ok, I will be sure to get that done. How hard is it to do myself, considering it would be my first time? Also what compound do you use for bedding?
In my shop we do a stress free bedding where the action has no stress on it this hard to do we use steel devcon a milling machine and we test for stress with a dial indicator 0-1 thousand on stress is what we do this is more of a bench rest bedding that we do in hunting guns
Do it yourself you can get steel bedding compound from brownell's and when you are done you will have 4-7 thousands of stress for a hunting gun it will shoot just fine for every day big game hunting out to 500-600 yards
You will need a new trigger I would recommend a trigger tec primary or special There are a lot more things that can be done to make it a 1000 yd and be on gun
And here we go, add a trigger, action bedding, scope rail, etc., etc. You're up to over $1,000, without a bullet having been sent down range.
Usually better bargains to be had from rifles that have already been modified. Nothing wrong with buying virgin steel, but... it may be worth it to keep looking.
Remington Firearms Model 85505 700 5-R Bolt 300
$805 cash right now at Budsguns
Seems like the 5R's have consistantly good barrels, where the rest can be a crap shoot as to if it is going to be good or not. This one has a 26" barrel to maximize velocity.. you can also get the same rifle in a 24" barrel if you are looking for a handier rifle. The Remington .300 WM's come with a 1 in 10 twist barrel which is pretty standard for the .30 calibers.

The Remington 700 5-R sets the benchmark for accuracy and durability. Much
like M-24, the barrel is cold hammer forged and features 5-R rifling. The 5R rifling profile increases barrel life expectancy, accuracy and creates less fouling and bullet deformation over time. It has a stainless steel action and barrel, H.S. Precision composite stock, dual front swivel stud
system, and a X-Mark Pro adjustable trigger.
This model has a 26" barrel chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum.

Just add a Timney Calvin Elite or Trigger Tech trigger and you are probably good to go.

My only problem with the 5R is the HS Precision stock. Would not own one, but that's just me.
My only problem with the 5R is the HS Precision stock. Would not own one, but that's just me.
I'd much rather have one over a B&C. The palmswells on the newer HS stocks suck, IMO. But the stock is still much higher quality than most any other factory offered rifle stock.
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