What Did This...Weird!


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
Short setup before the picture...

I found a WT buck that I had seen on game camera a month n half ago. I wanted to keep the "horns" so I wired them to a tree two weeks ago. The deer had not been dead lng after I found it 12 hours...I think tops!


This picture is a little harder to see, but shows the scene of the crime better.

Comanche County Texas


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Apparently the scavengers at your place are very thorough. I've used roadkilled deer for coyote bait, and had everything but what was tied to the fence post gone in two nights. I'd say you had a combination of a few different types of critters clean that up for you. I bet your place is a good spot for coyotes............
after putting up a camera on my last cleaned rib cage, I can tell you just about everything other than deer will nibble on the left overs. In 5 days my carcass had raccoons, opossums, hawks, eagles, bobcats, coyotes, skunks and an armadillo. The raccoons and birds did the most damage, but they all had at least a couple bites to eat. the rib cage was mostly clean after that very short amount of time.
It looks like coyotes. I had them eat a hindquarter and all the guts from a buck that ran into a swamp and died that I had to recover the next morning. All the other varmints like venison too.
Being buried, I would have said lion. But I have never seen a lion clean it up that fast. And coyotes usually shy away from lion kills.
Being buried, I would have said lion. But I have never seen a lion clean it up that fast. And coyotes usually shy away from lion kills.

Well it has not been touched since it was buried. We do have a bunch of coyotes and I can tell you this is the first one I've seen that was buried.

The wife and I shot 4 deer and two hogs. The rib cage/pelvic bone are stripped but never buried. The property rules are that we don't have a bone yard, so I tend to put mine in more secluded spots. I like to go back so I can recover the hog skulls. So I visit the the area regularly so I don't loose the teeth or the whole skull.

None of them have ever been covered like this carcass had been.

We leased a place for 19 years along the gulf coast. The coyotes were so bad, that if you cut a hair on a deer. It was never seen again. We had a deticated bond dump. Never seen a carcass buried there either.
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