Yellowstone Darwinism

Darwin - the evolution guy - natural selection - HMS Beagle

Is Yellowstone Darwinism evolution or just dummy reaction? - intellectual dwarfism? Are humans dumbing down?

I almost failed an undergraduate anthropology course because I argued that human development in regard to intelligence, personality, artistic sense, hand-eye coordination and other progressed at a rate too rapid for evolution based on natural selection via mutation.

Just an idle thought - I happily accepted a "D"(BS) and moved onto better things.

Reintroduction of wooly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) into Yellowstone would be news worthy when the big furry elephant like creatures attacked busses full of school children equipped with smart phones intent on producing videos.
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And we're off to a fine start in 2024 with a drunk visitor from Idaho kicking bison in the park! Only minor retaliation was dealt to him from the abused bison.

I think I resemble that guy sometimes 😂
Darwin - the evolution guy - natural selection - HMS Beagle

Is Yellowstone Darwinism evolution or just dummy reaction? - intellectual dwarfism? Are humans dumbing down?

I almost failed an undergraduate anthropology course because I argued that human development in regard to intelligence, personality, hand-eye coordination and other progressed at a rate too rapid for evolution based on natural selection via mutation.

Just an idle thought - I happily accepted a "D"(BS) and moved onto better things.

Reintroduction of wooly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) into Yellowstone would be news worthy when the big furry elephant like creatures attacked busses full of school children equipped with smart phones intent on producing videos.
No, humans have always been stupid. Retired Paramedic speaking here. Bet there were two cave men saving let go mammoth tipping tonight. Nah, don't worry about the sabre tooth cats.
Darwin - the evolution guy - natural selection - HMS Beagle

Is Yellowstone Darwinism evolution or just dummy reaction? - intellectual dwarfism? Are humans dumbing down?

I almost failed an undergraduate anthropology course because I argued that human development in regard to intelligence, personality, hand-eye coordination and other progressed at a rate too rapid for evolution based on natural selection via mutation.

Just an idle thought - I happily accepted a "D"(BS) and moved onto better things.

Reintroduction of wooly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) into Yellowstone would be news worthy when the big furry elephant like creatures attacked busses full of school children equippedDarwin - the evolution guy - natural selection - HMS Beagle

Is Yellowstone Darwinism evolution or just dummy reaction? - intellectual dwarfism? Are humans dumbing down?

I almost failed an undergraduate anthropology course because I argued that human development in regard to intelligence, personality, hand-eye coordination and other progressed at a rate too rapid for evolution based on natural selection via mutation.

Just an idle thought - I happily accepted a "D"(BS) and moved onto better things.

Reintroduction of wooly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) into Yellowstone would be news worthy when the big furry elephant like creatures attacked busses full of school children equipped with smart phones intent on producing

Maybe you read the Wooley mammoth article in CSD maybe. Genetically made mammoths. The Colombia Mammoth in Wyoming was bigger than other mammoths. They think Yellowstone is where they should introduce them... Really ? These people are deranged. Too much funding from OBiden. All they could talk about was climate change. Ya ! We didn't have anything to do with it thousands of years ago. It happens naturally all by itself . Dinosaurs. Global warming. Ice age. Global warming. They' all died. Cycles.
My post is all jacked up. Go figure...
Looks like game on as of July!

So already some Touron kicked a bison last week. Unfortunately he is still alive to be able for procreation. Then at same time a dumass tour bus driver is on video pushing bison off the road so bus can get through.

I STRONGLY believe the fines and penalties have to be based upon animal values present and future. If a bison is valued at $10K and has to be put down, kaching! The word would get out fast plus signs posted with penalty values.
I was in Hyder, AK at a brown bear observation area when a photographer jumped the fence and started walking toward a bear. The ranger, a huge guy himself at maybe 6'7" or more and over 300 lbs, came running up short barreled 12 ga with extended mag. He was yelling and extremely angry at the foolish photographer that thought he was an exception to all the signs around stating the danger.
IMO, the ranger should have left him to set an example!