What year(s) did Federal package primers in red & white boxes


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2012
High Plains
I have a case of Federal Small Rifle Magnum primers that that a friend who passed away had stored in his basement for many years. Do you recall what years Federal packaged primers in red & white cartons?
I believe the more recent red n white boxes w/o the black/gold banner were from 1994 to 2013 or or so:

1994 H+Julian day 2004 H+(Julian day + 400)
1995 Y+Julian day 2005 Y+(Julian day + 400)
1996 R+Julian day 2006 R+(Julian day + 400)
1997 V+Julian day 2007 V+(Julian day + 400)
1998 W+Julian day 2008 W+(Julian day + 400)
1999 Z+Jukian day 2009 Z+(Julian day + 400)
2000 X+Julian day 2010 X+(Julian day + 400)
2001 T+Julian day 2011 T+(Julian day + 400)
2002 N+Julian day 2012 N+(Julian day + 400)
2003 J+Julian day 2013 J+(Julian day + 400)
The lot number is 4B3673

I peaked inside the flap of the case and the boxes are actually red and dark-blue/black with white lettering.
The lot number is 4B3673

I peaked inside the flap of the case and the boxes are actually red and dark-blue/black with white lettering.

Do they look like this? Not Gold Medal but the box color scheme?

Since 1974, Federal Cartridge Company has used four 10-year lot number schemes to identify the date of manufacture. Beginning in 2014 they started using the newest one. The last four characters in Federal lot numbers indicate the year and Julian day of manufacture:

1974-1983, the last digit of the year followed by the Julian day.
1984-1993, the last digit of the year followed by the Julian day plus 400.
1994-2003, the letters H, Y, R, V, W, Z, X, T, N, J (in that order) to indicate the year followed by the Julian day.
2004-2013, those same letters followed by the Julian day plus 400.
2014, the letter M followed by the Julian day.
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Thanks for your help leading me to a likely year of manufacture.

Speaking of old primers - I have some CCI Large Rifle and Large Rifle Magnum that I bought in the 70's. There was a period of time I had them stored in a garage for 15 years. They experienced very cold and hot temps. Yet they still work fine. I use them for practice rounds.
If you think that storing primers may be an issue try using a vacumn sealer. Tried this on some that i had about 12 years ago and opened them up about 4 months ago and they all worked.
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