Well-Known Member
Went to the range Saturday to continue testing with my 300 rum. I'm up to 103 grains of 33 with 230 targets and let me tell you, the more powder I feed her, the more accurate she gets. This gun truly eats powder and craps thunder!! She just hit another power node at 102.8 and I'm assuming she will plateau out being the most accurate load at the 103.6 range. I have loaded what I think will be my final ladder up to 104.5. I haven't seen anything close to a pressure sign yet and I'm not compressed either. This is very amazing too me. I haven't heard of anyone going this high on the ladder with this powder bullet combo. Thus turning this into uncharted territory. Case over all length is just shy of 4 inches (3.98) and barrel length is 27.5. I haven't ran her through a chrono yet but should be 3200+\-. Do you think the people at Alliant knew they would have this big of a spread in ranges? Some can only shoot 90+ grains and some can shoot 100+ grains. They have their hands full! Have any of you been this high with a charge in this combo? If so, I'd love to here your experiences.