Trying to get in touch with Joel Russo

Fergal White

Oct 5, 2009
Ive been directed here to Longrangehunting by a member on Snipershide. I ordered a stock from Joel Russo some months back and somethings happened that I cant seem to to make any contact with him. Im new in the smithing game and have for a long time fallen in love with his work. Im told he may have some friends here that may be able to help. Ive just finished a few builds and there just lying there now doing nothing. I really want to use his stuff and nothing else will do. If I only got The A5 I ordered Id be happy for now as I want this for my own personal use. Im hoping some of his friends on here might get in touch with him for me,Id very much appreciate that. Im told to sit tight as the hunting season's on now and he's probably busy hunting but I cant help thinking after so long that none of my messages got to him. Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
PM returned Joel.

Thanks so much guys for your help here. None of my messages got to him,I knew it. Well I have his cell now so I can be sure of getting him instead of relying on emails from Ireland which are always hit and miss.

Thanks again Guys
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