to anyone willing to help out!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
Cottonwood California
This information is accurate at the time this CAL-ERT was written and originally distributed. The NRA Members' Councils of California will keep you informed as issues affect your gun-rights in California.


The Fish and Game Commission is considering a state-wide ban on the use of lead ammunition for hunting. Almost two years ago, a bill (AB821) was signed into law that imposed a ban on the use of lead ammunition for hunting in areas occupied by the California condor. Through its hunting regulations, the Commission extended the ban to include .22 rimfire ammunition and expanded the boundaries where the ban applies. With this track record, the Commission is likely to be receptive to carrying the ban to the borders of the state.

From the beginning, proponents of the current ban have wanted to lead ammunition banned state-wide. The California condor was simply being used as an excuse by the anti-hunters and anti-gunners to carry out this agenda. They have already achieved a partial ban. The next step is to take it state-wide. If they are successful, they will push to ban the use of lead ammunition for everyone, not just hunters.

There is no scientific evidence that lead ammunition is the source of lead affecting the health of condors released to the wild. There is no scientific evidence that lead ammunition is a risk to human health and the environment in California. What is evident is that there are a group of special interests that have friends on the Commission who will not stop until the most affordable, available, and balistically superior ammunition available is banned in our state. When that happens they know the damage it will do to hunting and shooting participation.


Please write and call the California Fish and Game Commission and request that they oppose all efforts to extend the ban on lead ammunition.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the NRA vigorously opposed AB821 back in 2007, it is now law. However, it is unfortunate that the CA. Fish & Game Commission expanded the restrictions much farther than those required by AB821. Therefore, the NRA urges you to contact the CA. Fish & Game Commission and voice your opposition to even more enhanced restrictions that exceed the scope and intent of AB821.

Mailing Address:
California Fish and Game Commission
1416 Ninth Street
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090

Phone Number:
(916) 653-4899

Fax Number:
(916) 653-5040

E-Mail: (Please include "State-wide Lead Ammo Ban" in the e-mail subject line.)
Submit written comments, via electronic mail to:
John Carlson, Jr., Executive Director [email protected]
Jon K. Fischer, Deputy Executive Director - Regulations and Policy [email protected]
Adrianna Shea, Deputy Executive Director - Special Advisor to the Commissioners [email protected]

Note: If you prefer to send only one email, you can send a single email to the Fish and Game representatives by using the special "ONE CLICK" email address that you can find HERE . By sending one email to the special "ONE CLICK" address, each one of the Fish and Game representatives (listed above) will receive a copy of your message (so it is probably a good idea to address your messages with: Dear Fish & Game Commission,).


If you are not already a member of your local NRA Members' Council, JOIN NOW! It costs you nothing but a little of your time - volunteering to help the NRA regain our Second Amendment rights in California.
If you received this CALIFORNIA-ALERT SYSTEM (CAL-ERTs) message from sources other than your own personal subscription, we encourage you to subscribe to this free service. We won't send you messages very often, but when we do, something important is happening.
Circulate this alert to every firearms owner, shooter, hunter, club, and freedom-loving American that you know and ask them to help.
Be proud of your accomplishments and be especially proud that YOU are willing to fight for all of our rights to enjoy our Second Amendment freedoms!


Continue to monitor the latest legislative updates at: CA Legislative Info and Contact Tools


A printable version of this CAL-ERT can be found at:


Archived CAL-ERTs can be found at:
CAL-ERT Archive


NRA Members¢ Councils of California
benlow, I tried the link as well, it was a forwarded e-mail to me, and I just brought it here.

I just added the e-mail addresses to my address book and sent my letter to all three that way. Thanks, Ron Tilley
No Thanks needed Ron. Everyone that lives in CA should try to do something about this. It seems like things start here and spread to some of the other states. So maybe everyone should try to do something. I am still BUTT HURT over having to use steel shot on Waterfowl. That steel just goes right through some of the birds and they fly off and die. I liked lead shot a lot better.
I just copied and pasted the email addresses and it worked fine. I thought maybe you could fix the link so it would be just a little easier for other people too use. It is still simple enough if someone really cares about the bullets we probably won't be shooting much longer. Thankyou for doing something. Bennie
Bennie, I do not know how to fix the link, I just hope a little help from here could go a long ways, I agree, the bs that we face usually starts here but when enforced here it seems to spread. I hope people will take the time to be a bur under the decision makers saddles.
Ron Tilley
Warning! This thread is more than 16 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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