Time to celebrate!

Rich Coyle

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
Grants Pass, Oregon
Several months ago I installed a Proof Research stock on my Weatherby Mark V six lug ultra light. Using a Wheeler Fat Wrench set at 50# required 100% effort. The first of last month my wife wanted us to join a gym. I was amazed at my objectively measurable lack of strength. Anyway here we are six weeks later and I decided to check the torque settings since this rifle used to get loose after several firings. Two happy things: The torque settings are still the same and torquing to 50# required about half effort!

Last year I had to gut my deer to get it over a small berm. I'm willing to bet this year I will be able to drag it right over.
By joining and actually GOING to the gym, you've cleared a couple of hurdles that many people never do! The important thing is to keep going and not let yourself "take a day off". As hard as it sometimes is to get started, it's twice as hard to restart.

Congrats on your early success!
I set a goal to bench press 150 by the end of the year. On Feb 12 I couldn't lift the empty bar! What a wuss! A couple days ago I lifted 100 pounds three times. Call me Atlas. We are eating the same things and I am gaining weight.

My wife's blood sugars have dropped in seven weeks from an weekly average of 171 to 129. She is also loosing weight.
One word of advice after lifting weights for 30 years...
Be careful when starting out lifting.
Your muscles will gain strength extremely fast, but there are many times your joints and ligaments can't keep up with the muscles.
And that's when your muscles start tearing up your body.
My guess is you will be benching way more than 150 lbs by the end of the year.
Just take your time getting there.
Good luck!
I set a goal to bench press 150 by the end of the year. On Feb 12 I couldn't lift the empty bar! What a wuss! A couple days ago I lifted 100 pounds three times. Call me Atlas. We are eating the same things and I am gaining weight.

My wife's blood sugars have dropped in seven weeks from an weekly average of 171 to 129. She is also loosing weight.
My wife and I are currently going to the gym as well, just started last month...and my wife is Type 1 diabetic, I'm assuming your wife is as well? I would like to loose about 50 lbs, I'm currently 240, pretty strong, but carrying a 50lb weight all round my body all day keps me slower!!!
Thanks for the heads up and encouragement.

I wish you success on the weight loss. My wife is type 2 so she may get completely off the diabetic pill.

Awesome! I love lifting and running. Don’t get discouraged if you plateau. It happens to me all the time. I remember deadlifting and PRing every week and then it took me like 5 months to get an additional 5lbs added to my max. The gains come quick, but the plateau always sucks. Just stay motivated and be safe!!
One word of advice after lifting weights for 30 years...
Be careful when starting out lifting.
Your muscles will gain strength extremely fast, but there are many times your joints and ligaments can't keep up with the muscles.
And that's when your muscles start tearing up your body.
My guess is you will be benching way more than 150 lbs by the end of the year.
Just take your time getting there.
Good luck!
I learned this the hard way, a long time ago.
Thanks, guys, for the heads up. This morning, before I got out of bed, I was thinking about uping the bench weight from 65# to 70#. Based on this suggestion I will wait till next week.
Rich, glad to hear the update. I remember reading your post about the milk jug incident and you were going to start some training.
Rich, glad to hear the update. I remember reading your post about the milk jug incident and you were going to start some training.

If anyone wants to know you can put 101 one gallon milk jugs in a short bed Chevy. I still think about that ridiculous situation almost every workout. I started working on a lats rope machine. Lats are absolutely essential to pull myself out of that situation if it occured again.

Today I got my butt kicked by some college age woman about my size. I did nine rotations of ten lifts with 65 pounds. On the tenth I barely squeaked out twenty lifts for the tenth. She arrived and started with about 125 and went up from there. I mentioned to her she sure kicked my butt. She wants to be a power lifter. Said she was in the 600 club in high school. Anyone know what that is?
600 club?...
You don't want to know...:)

Her combined max for bench, squat and power clean exceeds a total of 600 lbs.
But if her total is that high, maybe they are using dead lift instead of power clean?
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