Thumbs up to Third Generation Shooting Supplies

Dixie Bowfishing

Active Member
Mar 25, 2008
I ordered two boxes of Berger VLDs (that I really needed soon for my elk hunt) from Third Generation Wednesday evening and they were here on my step in Louisiana on Friday morning. Great job, I will be doing all the business that I can with Third Generation from now on.

[email protected]
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Last week I decided I NEEDED a couple hundred 7mm 175gr SMK's. Looked and called every where and was told mayby late Nov or Dec.
Found two boxes at Third Generation on Tuesday and were at my house on Friday.
Thanks Again
+1....Third Generation is great! I had UPS screw-up the delivery of my order. Called Third Generation and they refunded my shipping cost without any questions and said they would deal with UPS to get their money back. That's great customer service.

If only Sharp Shooter Supply could provide service like that. SSS sucks!
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