silencers are they really this expensive


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2007
Dickinson ND
I am finishing this up on my new 6x47 lapua. i have been kicking the idea of installing a suppressor and just wondering where the best place to get one and who has the best prices. i was talking to a local dealer that sells them and he was saying that it will cost me 1200 for the the standered 200 for permit. does this soung right. i dont know how much i will use the thing anyway want to try a resonable prices one to see if i can justify the price.
Just sent off my paper work and tax money today. I didnt shop around because I wanted to buy one locally, think it was around 750 from shooters discount. Maybe he is selling a better supressor but 12 sounds a little high to me.

The price can vary a great deal. I have experience with Gemtech, Jet,
awc, and SSK inustries products. Check out their websites, and pricing is usually available.
Just a note. Although it is possible, it is a heck of alot easier to suppress a slow cartridge, and I don't belive your 6mm falls into that category. I know this hurts some of the long range attributes, but it is something to think about.
are you sure that a suppressor hurts your balistics. i heard somewhere that it doesnt do anyting to it if anything it helps it. let me know i dont want to loose accuracy down range. i just wanted to be able to go shooting without useing hearing protection.
a WELL BUILT silencer will generaly help with accuracy as it helps to deaden the vibrations in the barrel.
I have shot the AAC Cyclone on a few differant 308's and a 6.8SPC as well as a 223 and it works realy well even though the diameter is for the 308, and they only cost about $650 or so. I personaly have a Gemtec HVT on my tactical 308 and it works very well they cost around $800 and I feel that the AAC is the better can. SRT makes a good silencer called the "Shadow" and its very effective and its cost is around $700.

All these cans are made for the 308 and will function fine on calibers smaller than the 308 though not quite as effecient. The AAC Cyclone will work great on your 6x47 Lapua and it will bring the report down to that of a 22lr round , even quieter than the 22lr with Stingers , so its ear safe.
The only trouble that i have found is that some officers want to give you a hard time right off the bat even though they have no idea what the laws are and worst of all very few matches will allow you to shoot them in comp.

If you have access to a machine shop you can build your own silencer for just the $200 of the tax stamp , thats what i have been doing lately
i thought that you have to go through the class 3 dealer. are you saying that i can build my own once i get the permit. and if so how hard is it to build one.
tjonh2001 , you can build your own silencer AFTER you have filled out and paid for the form 4 from the ATF , the form 4 is a one time construction license that allows you to build and register one silencer per form. The one silencer that you make is your and yours alone you can't sell it , I have been told its possible to transfer them but haven't looked into it.

Building one can range from very easy to very hard depending on your style and what it is your wanting it to do. A simple and very effective silencer is a simple chamber and baffle setup but it will need to be a little bigger than the new K baffel desgined silencers as the K baffels are about the most effecient desgine being used right now.. If you have access to a lathe even a small one , making a silencer is easy. You can also have a machineshop build one but you have to be their with your paperwork while its being done and you have to take ALL the parts with you when you leave , the cost for having a shop build it will likely be alot higher than buying one outright.
tjonh2001 , you can build your own silencer AFTER you have filled out and paid for the form 4 from the ATF , the form 4 is a one time construction license that allows you to build and register one silencer per form. The one silencer that you make is your and yours alone you can't sell it , I have been told its possible to transfer them but haven't looked into it.

Building one can range from very easy to very hard depending on your style and what it is your wanting it to do. A simple and very effective silencer is a simple chamber and baffle setup but it will need to be a little bigger than the new K baffel desgined silencers as the K baffels are about the most effecient desgine being used right now.. If you have access to a lathe even a small one , making a silencer is easy. You can also have a machineshop build one but you have to be their with your paperwork while its being done and you have to take ALL the parts with you when you leave , the cost for having a shop build it will likely be alot higher than buying one outright.
i will haveto look into this i do have access to two lathes one large and the other little....
Then you can make yourself a set of K baffels that way your can will be smaller but just as effective.
here are some pics of the baffel desgine I use



Thats a basic K baffel desgine with a few little extras added to make it a little more effecient. That one is made from 718 Inconel which is very expensive but the absolute best material for baffels if shooting on full auto or subject to extended abuse of high caliber like the 300 RUM. You can use 316 SS for your first two baffels and 7075 aluminum for the rest that way your silencer is as light as possible ,that should last longer than your barrel and if not you can easly make more.
The old style that uses just flat washer type baffels and chambers is also very effective but like I mentioned it may take a little bigger can to be as effecient
james i have gone and looked at the form 4. where it is asking me to distcribe the firearm (can) what do i put for brand, model, or serial #.
after i pay the tax will they issue me a serial # that i have to engrave on the can. will they give me information on how or what they want from me like finger prints or photos.
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the form 4 is what a dealer fills out , you need to get a form 1 if you plan to make your own , the best thing to do is have a buisness and register it under that ,it eliminates having to jump through hoops for the sheriff , then you make your serial number (0001) and give it a name after they cash your check and you get the paperwork back its ok to start work on it , the outer tube has to be engraved with the buisness name and serial number and all and I think it has to be .005" deep.

everytime I have called the ATF the people I talked to were very nice and willing to help , maybe if you can get the info from the web give them a call , I see that the form 1 is no longer on their web site.
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