Sharing Parents' Proud Moment!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
After 4 years of grueling challenges in the USAFA, our son ...


... was commissioned as 2LT on 24 May 2011 (sorry for the pix quality - taken with phone camera - pro pix not yet available).

... followed by the commencement - 25 May 2011

(Son with SECAF Donley)


(Son (left) w/ best friend)


(Son (right) - w/friends)
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Congratulations - you have every right to be proud - please give him a big thank you for serving from all of us. He will litterally see the world in the next few years. Is he going to try and get his wings?

Had a son come out of Annapolis - Naval Academy - and he has made sooooo many friends that are scattered all over. Good thing we live in the country because the night of his bachelor party with all them Marines out on the grass things got a little western.
Trust me - them Montana boys that go to the academies do well - very well. The year my son came out of high school there were 4 in his class that went to the Air Force Academy, and one each that went to West Point, Naval Academy and one to the Coast Guard. They have all done well.

We went to Colo. Springs with 4 seniors from High School with the local air force liason recruiter to tour the facility and watch air force - west point football game. Sat at football game with a 4th year from Montana and mentioned that I'd buy pizza for anyone from Montana or Wy. after the game. About 20 some of the most polite students showed up that night and EVERY ONE of them offered to pay or throw into the pot for their meal - they just wanted a night out.

When I think that this world has went to hell in a hand basket and all the nuts running around the world I just remember the day of graduation back at Annapolis and saying - There are 900+ of the finest young men/women in the world being turned loose - there is hope.

Every once in awhile I get to see my tax dollars at work, and think good thoughts at the same time. Thanks for sharing your moment, congratulations on the accomplishments, yours and his.
ICANHITHIMMAN - We are indeed very proud. He'll head out to NAS Pensacola after 60 days of leave.

HARPERC - L:DL! I know exactly what you mean. Thanks.

Thank you all for your well wishes.


60 day hot dam wow. NAS Pensicola does that mean flight school?

Yes - flight/NAV school! I know what you mean about the 60 days of leave ... way too many days that can get him into trouble - perhaps I worry too much, esp when the parent "thingy" kicks in. :D

He has all these travel plans to keep him occupied before he reports to his training. He's currently in St Louis, MO for a couple of days with one of his best friends and would be housemate. Then off to Knoxville, TN with his USAFA roommate and would be housemate for a week or so and off to some concerts. Then back to Great Fall, MT for a few days and off to Colorado Springs to attend his sponsor parent (the Col that commissioned him) ... then off to CA, HI and AUS. Dang, I get tired just thinking about it.

Thanks again.

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He has all these travel plans to keep him occupied before he reports to his training. He's currently in St Louis, MO for a couple of days with one of his best friends and would be housemate. Then off to Knoxville, TN with his USAFA roommate and would be housemate for a week or so and off to some concerts. Then back to Great Fall, MT for a few days and off to Colorado Springs to attend his sponsor parent (the Col that commissioned him) ... then off to CA, HI and AUS. Dang, I get tired that thinking about it.

Thanks again.


Relax Dad and take a BIG BREATH. This young man has earned every second of those next 60 days to flex his wings. There isn't any other young men his age that have earned the right any more.

Wait 7-8 years and listen to his stories on where he's been and what happened and you'll just cringe.

You will always be a Mom and a Dad and will always worry but you've done more than your job as a parent up to this point. Hard part is that Mom and Dad are always important to these young men but we have to realize that they also want to be with the comrades that they went thru hell with for the last 4 years. Wait until he gets some time off after and extended assignment and doesn't come home but goes off to some far away place with some buds - That's tough to take from Mom and Dad's stand point but when you raise them to be tough, responsible and independent - well , let's just say that we as parents have to be supportive and understand.

By the way - don't be surprised in 6 months to a year some fellow female classmate calls trying to locate him at his home residence. It means nothing but the fact that he's made as many female friends as male friends. We've had one gal spend a week here at our house just to chum around and tour Yellowstone with our son and she was engaged. Our son flew to the wedding - said he wouldn't miss it.

Times have changed and it's hard for us old farts to understand sometimes.

BE PROUD and let him make a few of his own decisions and above all BE SUPPORTIVE.

PS: Those travel plans of his could change with a phone call - don't be surprised.
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