SCHOOLS- no longer soft targets

Not shut down, it's just one of the many news stories about our school in the last couple weeks. Link works for me, not sure what is going on.
While I like the conversation here, I truly hope that all who have contributed to this thread- and those who have simply read it without response- will also be proactive locally.
Write letters to your local newspapers (then watch to see if they actually get published and call them out if they don't), contact your Legislators and Congressmen (and yes, even the President), and have respectful debates with those who would blame an inanimate object for the actions of a deranged individual.

Don't allow the 'emotional trauma crowd' to get their point across without a calm rational rebuke.

I truly believe that there needs to be a few changes made to reduce these shootings.
First is to eliminate all 'gun free zones'.
It's a proven fact that these established zones invite these cowards to do their deeds without risk of being confronted.
Second is to allow multiple staff at these places to be armed- without any knowledge of who is armed. Again, history has established that these cowards don't want to be confronted. If they know that there are trained responders throughout the target building (as opposed to ONE responder, who, in the most recent case hid like a scared child) they are more likely to choose against such an attack.
Third is to stop publishing the names or pictures of the deranged individuals who did the cowardly act. In some of the previous shootings, those responsible where in the news for weeks. Every day, their faces and names were all over the news making them more well known than the first responders who responded and put the whackjob down.

It's pretty sad that we even have to talk about mass shootings. Even more sad, to me, is that there are those who use these shootings to garner attention to themselves on the premise that they want to help.
We all know that there are many other ways to kill people, yet those who blame the inanimate object put their blinders on and ignore the facts.

The fact is, these 'gun free zones' attract nutjobs.
The fact is, just having the possibility of anonymous armed individuals deters these attention grabbers from carrying out their evil.
The fact is, if it's not guns it'll be a car or a bomb.

We've seen it before- if a deranged individual feels the need to kill people he will find a way.

Just my $.02

I'm watching cnn town hall. These kids are exactly that, kids. I got it they experienced a tragedy, and it's awful, but that doesn't automatically make them experts on constitutional law and the resident experts on determining what rights I'm allowed to have. It's absolutely infuriating seeing how easily they are willing to **** away their rights for perceived safety. I've been around the world, and I have personally seen how ****** people are to each other. To think that people are stupid enough to believe that making some random law will prevent murder, severely under estimate the evilness and resourcefulness of their fellow man. The second amendment is for everyone. If you chose to not use that right, then so be it, but do not limit us on our rights because you're scared.

And now we will wait for this thread to be deleted. After watching CNN tonight I'm signing up for a lifetime membership to the NRA.

I signed up for a life membership on the time payment plan in the early 70s. Ive since signed up both my sons and a grandson on the time payment plan.
Over the many years of my life ive found most hunters ive known not to be supportive to the N R A. Some claim to have been, but for a variety of reasons dropped out. Usually it's (they were always begging me for money).
As for the constitution, and specificaly the 2nd amendment, lets not forget the carnage at Gettysburg took several days with thousands of combatants. The carnage at Vegas lasted how long? and with how many shooters? Could a lone shooter with those weapons have handled Pickets charge up that Gettsyburg hill alone? Lets not forget
that battle took place close to 100 years after the constitution.
I will argue for our gun rights till my last breath. But I'm also not interested in seeing these type incidents continue. I frankly never heard of a bump stock until the Vegas shooting, and neither did some of my friends. Don't ask me if i think its a constitutional right
for each of us to own one.
Oh, for sure. A good example is in the Bill of Rights, where our founding fathers were careful to say that nobody can use modern weapons because it's not about arming private citizens "for the security of a free state". That's why our FF's specifically explained that we were limited to using Spanish matchlocks for deer hunting only.

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