anti-gun politics at my son's school.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2003
Terre Haute, Indiana
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I am kinda irritated about this...

The Grade school by us has a Family Fun day one friday every month, parents go with child and do differnt activities together, teacher helps..
This is for kindergarden only I believe, I usually am at work, and he or I cannot go to these once a month events (daytime)..

Slow at work, had day off, decided to go, my son who is about 7, and my other one who is about 4 got to come along...
We worked with kids for about 2 hours...
Then it was film time.... Kids when to other room to watch a cartoon film, us parrent was sent to library, the film was on "Gun safty"..
a Deputy Sheriff was there to talk afterwards....
I thought hey, maybe it was a film on gun safty and hunting safty, gun safty at home with children...
The film started, and it was a tape of a 60 minutes exclusive with Barbra Walters...
the film had nothing to do with gun safty, it was "anti-gun", words like

"A gun in your home is 2500 more likly to kill your child than it will get used for self defense!"

or other stuff like

"You think your children can't get your guns cause you have em locked up in your gun cabnet? think again!"

I'm not sure how long the film was, cause I grabed my jacket got up and walked out, there was 15 or so other parents and out of them who I have talked with, some was very pro gun/hunting, and very anti liberal.. but sat through the filth..

my sons teacher came out in hall, and asked me what was wrong.. I (politly) told her, I didn't think this was all supost to be about politics..

I am not sure if grade schools can do this legally...
There are a few main things that are certainly political...

* Racial minority favortisum vs equel rights
* Abortion vs Pro life
* higher taxes vs lower taxes
* Anti-gun/control vs 2nd amendment freedome

We all know gun rights is probably one big part why Bush got elected.. if the demonazi's can burn in more parents heads about how thier little kindergardener is at risk by your gun(s), they stand just that much more of a the last election went, you can see just changing the minds of only a few could have turned the election around and you know what that can mean in time.

take care, and keep the fight for your gun on.

Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

Welcome to LRH Scott, I would have done the same thing. My kids got yanked out of the public school before they hit Junior High, and for good reasons too. My wife teaches the three of them at home and they are just smart kids gettin smarter. They had teachers there wanting to put every kid they could on ritalin, and still do too. My straight "A" daughter got a horrible teacher, buy the way was fired at the end of the year, and went to D's after one quarter. That was her last year there. I'ts too bad every parent can't teach there own just so they KNOW what they're learning behind those doors. Her teacher was an anti-gun greeny in the biggest way I've seen in a long time. He was on a rant about guns and kids once so she told him that dad keeps all his guns loaded and they aren't locked up so he can't use them if a robber comes in at night. She said he was livid!
You can't trust your kids with very few people anymore. I feel sorry for the parents that have to trust the teachers and don't have much choice about it.

My wife flags on roadjobs in the summer and has all winter off so it works out kind of nice for us.

[ 02-01-2003: Message edited by: Brent ]
Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

Possibly a letter to the Local School Board and a copy to the State Board of Education would be in order?

Just tell them of your dis-satisfaction of this very Political event and name the Teacher or School Official resposible for allowing this to happen. Tell them of your displeasure along with others that were there in attendance.

It can be stopped with other measures such as Editorials in local papers and attending meetings of the Local School Board to voice your opinions.
Take along other parents that feel the same as you and also have them sign a petition pertaining to the incident.

You can fight it and possibly make a difference in your area.

Darryl Cassel
Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

You are right Darryl, this particular teacher of my daughters was the result of almost ten years of people doing everything they could just for the next generations sake. Tenure was a major issue in this instance though. The schools won't talk about other parents complaints, they are basically sealed and confidential so it really takes alot of effort to find out who is out there and then a concerted one to even get them to listen to you. They treat you like you are the only one out there that has a problem unless there is an overwelming amount of people beating down their door at once.

Good luck, the programs are pushed on the teachers and some just go with it like the wind, while others have just as much of a fight with it as we do. Be VERY selective with your kids teachers, go with your gut!
Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.


Terre Haute has a few liberal ideas springing out of ISU from time to time, but it is by large a very hunting oriented area. Speak to a few of the people from different hunting groups in the area. With their involvement, by this time next year, the gun control talks at school may very well be given by Eddie Eagle.
Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

My daughter's pre-school had an NRA volunteer come in & do an Eddie Eagle program last year. She could recite the 4 Eddie Eagle safety tips when she was 3 1/2. She also thinks Eddie is as cool as any Saturday morning cartoon character!

If we followed the example of this NRA volunteer & others like him, how many kids would get the APPROPRIATE message, proven to work, from people who care about the kids & NOT the politics???
Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

Think maybe you should have stayed and let them know that what they are teaching is infringing on The American Constitution! That is a strong point that the American Public School system should not ignore. Our children are in school to learn about America, and the Constituton of the United States, not some private individual's view point. Teachers should stay neutral regardless of how they feel. Maybe contacting the principal or even the Superintendent of the school district that your child should be informed. Teach the constitution, not your personnal beliefs. Isn't that what the school system was designed to do?
Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

posted 02-01-2003 09:20 AM Profile for Tim Behle Email Tim Behle Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Scott,

Terre Haute has a few liberal ideas springing out of ISU from time to time, but it is by large a very hunting oriented area. Speak to a few of the people from different hunting groups in the area. With their involvement, by this time next year, the gun control talks at school may very well be given by Eddie Eagle.


"If I can kill that coyote from here, Will you walk out to get him?"

Terre Haute is primarly democrat locally, the mayor, sheriff, county comissioners have been democrats for many years...
but our county voted bush in, so there is hope... our county is one of the only counties in the past 30 years to vote in every president...

Correct, this is a heavy hunting loved place, but they still keep voting democrat... I am not the most educated, but geez.. they don't get it.
it is worse 7 miles from us in Illionois, just hear on chicago radio today liberal Mayor Daily is starting up 7 differnt SERIOUS gun LAWS, "since no one in Springfield is there to stop it now!", was more or less the words from his mouth.. TOTAL bans Semi auto's, handguns and such..
So I guess I shouldn't complain too much.. but the fight goes on everywere.

Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

posted 02-01-2003 12:37 AM Profile for Darryl Cassel Email Darryl Cassel Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Possibly a letter to the Local School Board and a copy to the State Board of Education would be in order?

Just tell them of your dis-satisfaction of this very Political event and name the Teacher or School Official resposible for allowing this to happen. Tell them of your displeasure along with others that were there in attendance.

It can be stopped with other measures such as Editorials in local papers and attending meetings of the Local School Board to voice your opinions.
Take along other parents that feel the same as you and also have them sign a petition pertaining to the incident.

You can fight it and possibly make a difference in your area.

Darryl Cassel

Good idea Darryl, I thought about going to the school board meeting, I thought abut staying and voicing my opinion... the deputy probably would kick me out... for just a civil opinion... the newspapers hee lean to the left. so does school board
I just left.. I am not good at all that explaining.. I don't get foul mouthed, but I can get extreme in context ..., I'd just **** em off, remember Rich MulHern at the huntchat "longrange shooting" board.. and his buddies..

I do belong to a local republican party here, and explained it to them...
More and more people are joining the group, and a bunch of them are good with words. so I'm working on it.. I seem to be the only one who brings the 2nd amendment up most often... but the others are of it as well as the other GOP issues.... it will take time...
I'll keep you posted on it...


Scott Donham
Re: anti-gun politics at my son\'s school.

As a full time high school teacher maybe I can offer you a little useful advice. If you don't like it, raise a stink. Call the administration, write a letter to editor of the local paper. Get a couple other parents that agree with your views to call the school. Raise a little little hell at the next school board meeting and PTA meeting. Guarantee you'll get results. Nothing gets administrators attention faster than a verbal P.O.'ed parent. Hey, the liberal, limp wristed, anti God crowd have been doing for years and it works. Make your voice heard, make a difference.
As an educator and former administrators, the anti gun anti hunting educators irks me. Seventeen years ago, I used the NRA program Eddie Eagle in my special education class with permission of the school administrator. Fellow teachers complained that I was teaching pro gun by “Stop; don’t touch; leave the area; tell an adult.” Because it was a NRA program, they complained to the administrator and she stopped the program by not giving permission for any further lessons on gun safety. The superintendent does not allow frog dissection because he deems it cruel to animals and is anti hunting. Biology students watch a video instead. He prides himself on his Gun Free Schools. It is time that we attend Board of Education meetings, question the board member, question the text books that state the second amendment refers to the National Guard, and most important run people for school board who support The Constitution and not the anti gun anti hunting agendas.
Hold on to your hats for this one!

I'm a lieutenant for the Sheriff's Office in my town, a very large town in the south I might add. One of my sergeants went to visit his daughter for lunch one day last month and the principal asked him if he could leave his gun outside because it might "scare the kids"!!!!

Luckily he refused and told her that there was no policy requiring that and went to see his daughter. He called me in the mean time in the event she called to complain. After I took a few deep breaths I told him under no circumstance is he to EVER remove his gun while in uniform! He agreed and was just looking for reassurance. I had to take a walk after that one!!!!
Smithcha you are exactly right! It is also a perfect lesson in what has happened to this morally bankrupt world. There are still a ton of good honest hardworking people out there, but the government dependent fools are growing in number everyday.

In dealing with the public for a living it can be scary to see how some of these people think! Sacrificing personal independence for assistance from the govt is now becoming a way of life that im afraid wont change until we reach the bottom. I still think that there are enough good ones out there to rebuild the American way of life when that happens!
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