Savage factory bolts bodies are .693" under the rear baffle, at the bolt head end they are .696".
Dave Kiff at PT&G makes custom bolt bodies and bolt heads. The bolt bodies are made just a little long and have to be custom fitted to each individual action, ie; adjusting the primary extraction). This requires carbide tooling or grinding as they are too hard for HSS or cobalt tooling. The bolt heads are precision ground and individually made (length) for different size bolt face. Bolt heads are ordered with the desired firing pin hole diameter.
Savage bolt races vary in ID .7015" to .7045 from front to rear. The CNC actions have tighter tolerances. The variances are due to heat treatment warping. They can be reamed with a bolt race reamer to a tighter spec.
PT&G makes their bolt bodies to the customers spec. as they are precision ground. They can be ordered round or fluted.
There is a significant difference in performance between the factory OEM parts and the PT&G aftermarket parts.
Bolt lift kits can reduce bolt lift 40-60 percent. There are several types out there. Some are better than others and offer additional benefits.
Do your homework before you spend your money.
Nat Lambeth
Bolt lift i