Savage 17HMR model 93


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Loganville, GA
i have a savage model 93R17 and was wondering if anyone has ever had the action tried? I’m getting close to rebarreling and making this my trainer gun. If so, who did you have do it and did you see any real improvements by doing this?
Well, someone needs to be the first. Give it a swing and let us know what kind of improvement and cost you experience. It might be the new thing to do. A lot of those rifles out there. I would consider it if I thought I might get 5 shot groups with all holes touching...not getting that now. It would get back into the prairie dawg arsenal.
Boy...I can't imagine there's been much of that going on. I bought my last one for around $300, I realize you're trying to make it better/more accurate but at what cost? I can't imagine you won't have more than $300 wrapped up in this project and you still have a $300 93R17 when you're done...not trying to crap on the idea, just my .02 cents.
I just re-barreled a Marlin 17 HMR VS which is very similar to the 93. I haven't shot it yet but decided against truing the receiver face since it was a clover leave shooting gun before. Will break it in this next weekend and see how the Green Mountain barrel shoots.
I just re-barreled a Marlin 17 HMR VS which is very similar to the 93. I haven't shot it yet but decided against truing the receiver face since it was a clover leave shooting gun before. Will break it in this next weekend and see how the Green Mountain barrel shoots.
If you could keep me updated on how the new barrel shoots!
New barrel wasn't too bad. I was in a hurry and was trying to get rounds down range rather than focus on pin point accuracy. I don't want to short its potential but I think it will be <1/2 MOA. I use it to shoot varmints out to 250 yrds so it will be plenty accurate for that.
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