Rust preventative for your presses?

You might Google acf50 I did asked if acf50 was any good if I remember right said something about not good on a motorcycle might check that. David
Thank you! Yeah i google it, and found it. Nah i was figuring on using just on my guns. I`m a sucker for trying something new. The WD40 seems to be taking care of my bikes quite well for the past 25yrs, so i wont mess with something that isnt broken quite
I inherited my grandfathers Hornady LnL AP last week and it has some surface rust on it as well as rust on the powder drop. I talked with Hornady's customer who advised me to disassemble the press and powder drop and treat any affected areas with Naval Jelly and fine steel wool. So that's on this weekends list of projects but I am looking for a preventative to prevent this from happening again after I get the rust taken care of.
I had a couple of different suggestions from local gun store workers from WD-40 and PB Blaster to Marvin's Mystery Oil (the guy was super adamant it was the greatest stuff ever) and white lithium grease....honestly none of those sounded like good suggestions (but I could be wrong). Wondering what out there is proven to be a good lubricant/rust preventative to presses?

I'd be careful about introducing the steel wool until after the naval jelly treatment. My experience is that stuff is awesome - rub it on and let it set in a warm place. Then give it some time, this is not a 5 minute operation. Might take several treatments over a few days. Then - Universal Rig. It's basically a grease.
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