RSI Balistics software? Any feedback?

This probably won't answer your question but just wanted to chime in about the software. Just ordered a Ced M2 chronograph from RSI and he( Jim Ristow) had the wrong shipping address so I called him to correct the mistake and ended up talking for about an hour about ballistics and available software. Now I am no expert in any sense of the word but he made a lot of good points comparing his Shooting Labs software to others and so I downloaded the trial version and have been running it. I am fairly computer literate so it has not been hard to understand and I think so far it's pretty good software compared to others that I have fooled with. When the chronograph arrives I will definitely check it out further.
I got the impression that he favors drop charts as do I so this would be perfect software for me if when done researching it turns out to be more accurate then others.
Is anyone using the RSI software? Looks nice, and I think that they have a MAC version. My Technogeek at work thinks that It can be run on my iPhone.

I am interested in how it compares to Exebal for PC. does anyone have any expeience with this or the iPhone?

Ballistics Software, Chronographs & Pressure Instruments For Shooters

I've been using this ballistic software for years. I've owned many many ballistic programs (too many if the truth be told) and this is the best hands down. The creator Jim Ristow is one of the smartest ballistic engineers I've ever talked with. Jim's program comes with many ballistic modeling tools the other programs haven't thought of even putting in.

On the down side, I wish Jim would add a few of the newer tools I'm seeing on the other programs such as the reticle tools.

Hope it helps.
Well scratch that idea! I just got an email from the owner. He indicates that there are no longer any Mac products available. If I read the email correctly, seems that all the hardware available is PC. None that support MAC drivers. Kinda killed the version, as most people that wanted to run on a mac just created a partition and ran Microsoft anyway.

On the plus side, I submited an email through the website early Satruday morning, expecting an anwser the following week. This dude shoots me an email early Sunday morning. Close to 24 hour service on a weekend. Gotta like that! Kinda gives me the warm n fuzzies.
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I have not been able to determine if there is either. I exchanged a few emails with Jim. Judging on this short dialog, I don't think that there is a pda version.

Jim was pretty clearly in favor of verified drop charts, and for sure down on the watered down software that is run on hand held devices. Also seemed skeptical of the efficiency of toggling between screens to get the information that should be included in a drop chart. Probably has some experience with the average uninformed Joe, assuming that his new software will spit out 100% hard data that can be relied on for 100% of shots fired regardless of field conditions. I would be leery of advising such a course to just anyone as well.

I directed him to this site, referencing the success stories of some of the members here using this method to great success. Maybe someday he will come out with something for PDA's.

It would really be nice if someone were to develop something for the iPhone, It really does have the nicest interface, and it would be awesome to be able to use it with a ballistics program, especially since it is designed to automatically sync with the PC when it is plugged in. It would be great to be able to automatically add the data you developed at the range just by plugging in the phone. Imagine updating all your charts automatically for new conditions. I guess its only a dream for now.
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