robbor,300yd .22


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2001
culpeper va
I have been tryng to narrow down the distance where my .22 will still group.I already think 400yds is too far for mine.
Yesterday I shot a 10 shot group at 300 yards. 3inches wide,7.5 inches tall.
I believe I can get rid of the vertical stringing with a front stock modification.My stock is sticking in the bag.
I also think once I have sorted bullets the group will improve more.And my bench technique could be better.
Keep me posted on your rabbit hunting.

We've got the 22RF guys started now! I've never heard of shooting a 22RF to 400 yards (I read the little Dangerous within 1 Mile warning but never really figured anyone would eventually try it). We'll I guess this is the site for 22RF at 400 yards (still grouping good at 300 yards disclaimer).

Maybe we need a new Forum! "Dangerous within 1 Mile" or whatever the "real" wording may be.

Congrats on the long range 22RF... and don't forget to advise other to wear a hard hat in your area.

BTW: My longest witnessed kill for one shot from a 22 RF happened just the other day in Canada, gopher at 164 yards. Quality equipment too... Old Winchester 77 semi auto (never cleaned and subsequently jams a little bit), 4 power RUKO scope (25 years of dust on the objective, tilted reticle option installed), Winchester 22T ammo...careful for splinters because the stock has a cracked forearm from where the owner "whacked" a stubborn horse with it years ago (many years ago). The little gun shot very good and accurate but it should NOT be trusted for dangerous game...we found we cold get more rounds off by single feeding it rather than using the built in semi-auto function

[ 06-30-2003: Message edited by: Dave King ]
Frank, I think your group is M.O.P.D. or close enough. Good shooting! I would venture that a run over your chronograph may be in order before working on your gun. .22 Velocity variations can be amusing sometimes and that may be the issue at hand. Don't want to fix it if it ain't broke....
I have worked with some very accurate 10-22's and found that after tricking out the action to get a decent trigger pull, the most significant factors for accuracy were the quality and uniformity of the barrel crown and the ammo. Had five aftermarket barrels and two factory Ruger heavies, shot them all to establish average accuracies with several good types of ammo, then had the barrels re-crowned by a very good smith and the average accuracy improved - up to 25% for some barrels. Never messed with chambers, too techie and expensive but no doubt some match chambers might be better than others.
Could not beat the top-end Federal match ammo, understand it has recently been dropped from production. Some of the most accurate ammo I shot is very old PMC called Zappers, was cheap but extremely uniform.
I had a great accumulation of data from all that shooting (over 10,000 rounds) and playing - fried my hard drive and lost most of it. Hell of a reminder to backup your info.
Your groups are great, must be shooting in zero wind situation and using good ammo. Interesting to know what that little slug would do out there on a small beasty.
I read some where that the realy serious rimfire guys measure the thickness of the rim and segregate them into batches and they claim that will shrink groups. Any one ever hear of this? ebb
Max, You make an excelent point! I had forgotten about what a slight difference in velocity is going to do at this distance. I know from experience that sorting by weight will knock out some of the fliers.

Ian M, You are right about the wind.It was late evening on a very hot day.And I was in a swamp.No wind.It's a wonder I could shoot at all with the sweat pouring into my eyes.
The ammo I am using is Eley HVHP.So it is much better than bulk stuff, but not as good as match grade stuff. But my gun hates the standard velocity ammo. As for what it will do on a small beasty,I am hoping to find that out this coming rabbit season.Based on the soda cans and golf balls I have hit at 400 yards and less,there will be no problem.One of the soda cans I hit at 400 was hit right in the middle. You could see the bullet was dropping fast from the entrance and exit holes.The back side of the can was blown open top to bottom.Much like a close range hit.

Sharpshooter! That is YOU! Oh my gosh, I am completely embarrased.How long have you been posting on this board? If I had paid attention to what you were posting about I maybe would have realised.Tikka,Ruger #1 and all that.
I just can't believe this.You've been to my house for petes sake.And how many times have I been in your store? Man, your wife is getting you an ultimate tripod? That is SO cool. You have to let me see it. I just started a new job and one of those is on my shopping list.
Hey,wait a minute. I thought your West Virginia shooting/training had made it impossible for you to hit anything that isn't running fast through dense brush.You might have some problems with that at 600 yards.And one more thing,this long range shooting is terribly habbit forming, you've been warned.
Absolutely. Rim thickness varies more than you would ever think with regard to bulk rimfire ammo. Match ammo is much more consistent.

There is no sense in having a bolt face machined to exact specs and then feeding it ammo with variable rim thickness.

Match chambers, bolts, and barrels, when coupled with quality ammo, can deliver some astonishing results.

I modify my hunting ammo with an SGB tool. This removes about 1-1.5 grains off the nose depending upon ammo brand and design. When applied to match ammo, the SGB tool delivers a cartridge that has significantly increased whack effect. The nose is converted to a wide meplat.

For long range work I generally use match ammo of standard velocity, sorted and SGB modified. Get the wind behind you, bag it in, and whack prairie poodles at ranges that will embarrass you when you tell others.

I'm currently using a highly modified 10/22 with a Nikon Buckmaster 4.5x14 AO mildot and I'm very pleased with the scope. The mildot makes holdovers a snap when walking the rounds in during a crosswind.

I like the idea of a LR rimfire forum. Quite honestly, LR rimfire shooting is what got me into LR centerfires. And then I found this forum.... and have not looked back

For me the real enjoyment of attempting "long" shots with the heavy Ruger 10-22's or Benchmark is the ability to make quick adjustments and fire another round(s) because of the semi-auto action and high powered scopes. If that round is off then you can immediately compensate and try another. Many times the p-dog or gopher just sits there as he is not alarmed by a big noise. Hollow point bullets are much more effective for smacking critters, sometimes their effect on a gopher is quite amazing.

A while back I shot over 1200 rounds through the new T/C Benchmark at large turtles in a couple of ponds down in Texas. Only had the head to shoot at, most shots were 90-100 yards and this made for very tough shooting. The rifle had a 6-24 Swarovski on it, nice glass and it was deadly on those bass eaters.

I shot today at 50 yards to check a zero and could see every bullet in flight through a 6.5-20 EFR. That helps a bunch for holdoffs when you start sending bullets out.

We have set clay birds on the backstop at 300 and shot until they were busted up into very small chunks - bottom line is to have lots of ammo and just keep shooting.
I'm here. I have not had a chance to sight in or test at range yet, but soon. I am more of a hunter that a shooter if that makes any sense? I went out hunting the other day and it was slow and no rabbits to be found then I saw a dog. I finally got is pinpointed and ranged at 300 yards and whet to grab my gun and the coyote jumped into the bushes. Then about 30 min later a nice little 4 point desert buck strolled by me at 100 yards. I got to test the foxpro a little with it. I played doe bleats and then buck grunts but got no movement tward the call just got him to stop and sniff the wind and stare at the calls direction. I did not fire a shot that day. I also played with a bunch of coyotes and pups with my foxpro on the way back in the dark. I got to chenck on night hunting for thatr area. When I see how the gun shoot at ranges of 150 and more I will report. I only use the Remington 22 wmr premiers because of the better bc and accuracy in my gun. Ps the foxpro was 236 yards away from me and the remote worked. I consider every trip a learing experience. I did find what should be the ACTUAL BC of the .224 33gr vmax, It should be .104
Hey Frank4570! How much drop did you have from your point of aim or how much did you adjust your scope. The 3.5" wide sounds **** good for a mag. I'm shure you can improve on the verticle by measuring cases. I will have to look into that. I still have not made it to the range, but what ever day next week my range is open for long range shooting I will be there inless I get my bench made by then, I doubt it. Thanks for the test.
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