Ricochet Sound

As soon as the bullet hits something and is no longer uniform, the jagged edges or distorted shape cause the noises associated with ricochet. Imagine a perfect spiral thrown by a QB that gets tipped at the line of scrimmage by a defensive lineman and the football is now spinning and tumbing looking like a lame duck rather than a TD pass. At higher velocity like a rifle shot, the air passing over those once smooth aerodymic surfaces, now deformed and jagged, not only slow the bullet but redirect it and also create the noise heard from a ricochet.
The sound is a doppler affect. All objects moving the atmosphere create sound waves. The objects shape has a lot to do with this as well the velocity being SuperSonic, transonic or subsonic and all sub sonic velocities. As a kid did you ever hold a coke bottle out of the car window to create a whistle sound? The velocity of the car determined the tone of the whistle as did the volume of the bottle. The misshaped bullet, yaw and pitch create the variations of sound waves while going through the atmosphere. Does that make sense? Or just Google "sound waves"
Thanks for explaing that in a form that even I can comprehend.

I know that buzz sound all too well when I was a kid two guys had my uncle and I pinned down behind a rock one hunting season. Its definitely a sound you will never forget
What exactly happens for it to make that sound. I know you can't have a western movie without them, I actually think there are laws against that.LOL This last weekend Some one asked me why it makes that sound and I had no answer.
I know the bullet is deflecting off of something, but it still does not explain the sound it makes.

Tagging in for the guy who will eventually post the physics of it hopefully.
So, having been shot at a number of times, as recently as 2005 Semper Fi, I can tell you that a ricochet sounds like a loud fart that buzzes through the air and decreases in sound as it goes past you - hopefully, stopping sounds are followed by thumps and pain. A hot round going past is a short whistle and a POP as it passes the sound barrier near by.
To tell you the truth I lost all interest in anything else offered in this post, after WinMag4me posted his penny stunt.

I've also heard the buzz passing bullets make as well as all the different sounds associated with pulling butts @ 500 yard pitts at MCRDPI.
You got it- when it tumbles the air dragging around the uneven edges give you that ZZZZZZZZZZ. There is also a special sound from a perfect round spinning next to your head at 2,500fps.
I know that sound of a bullet flying by close to you and going faster than the speed of sound = like a quick clap of thunder! That bang is louder than the accompanying Zing. Sometimes there are more Zings than Claps. I do like the Bonanza, Rifleman and Western ricochet sounds a lot better 👍
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