Research tools for Elk hunt


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2015
Flatlander KY
Me and my brother are planning our first elk hunting trip in 2017. We still haven't finalized exactly where yet. We are looking at either Colorado or Montana. Pouring over all the data and statistics has me wondering what everyone else uses to pick their units. Also what is your strategy for picking a new unit?

#1 Hunter success. How do you determine whether this is public, private or guided?
#2 Amount of public land vs how many tags issued to determine amount of pressure?
#3 Which site? or gohunt/ or ?????

Thanks for any insight or suggestions.
Hey, I just wanted to clarify. I'm not wanting to know anyone's hunting areas, honey holes or even what state you hunt in. I would just like some insight into your thought process for picking units.

I feel like my eyes are burning and there's smoke pouring out my ears from staring at the computer screen. I'm thinking maybe I'm missing something. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks
I would also get ONXMAPS. It will give you a hunt unit overlay over a map of the area. It will designate private vs public. Often show state access areas and the state specifics show landowner names. :cool:
We will definitely be purchasing the chip for out GPS. We always use it in our GPS but have never overlayed it over Google Earth. Thanks for the tip.
colorado by far...more blm & public land by far...unless you want to enter a draw for a specific zone to hunt in you can walk into any store and by a non resident tag over the counter at your local grocery store or any like store...231 & 31 not far from steamboat springs offers some great walk in hunting and camping arouns oak creek, co.
Anything above eagle creek and gypsum, co. Are good areas and produce some nice size bulls & mule deer...depending what season you go those areas get a lot of pressure atv trails are in good shape but can be restrictive at times due to use & weather...good luck
Go to and buy the elk university, read it and your questions will all be's well worth the money whether new to elk hunting or if it's been a while since you looked for a new unit...I use gohunt and all the info is right there at your fingertips no more searching through state website's slowing you down
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