Rem Model 7 stock improvements ???

Alfred Crouch

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2008
Rock Hill, SC
Any one have or know any one who has a laminate stock that they have had checkered?

Just received a beautiful, Nutmeg, laminate, classic, Boyd stock for my Rem Mocel 7. I love the color and the general design of it except I wish the forward end of the forearm was a little larger. The original tupper ware one was a rediculous splinter at the forward forearm portion. This one is much better but I would like it if it were a little fuller on the forward end. The surface of it is smooth and slick. It needs some checkering on it or something to improve grip. It is going to be a challenge to grip it, especially on cold mornings.

Wondering if anyone knows of one that was checkered and how it turned out . ......cost etc.
Any input appreciated.
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I have attempted to checker the laminates many times. All a complete failure. The problem is the laminated wood, read birch wood, is just too soft to take any bit of checkering. Even a shallow or light cut will not be sharp enough to look and function well.
I have stipled my laminates with the laser engraver for a much better look and function.
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