Rem 700 VS LH .308 Range Report


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Canyon Ferry, MT
A couple months ago this rifle followed me home from the PX. I mounted a Leupold 3.5-10x40 LR M3 in Badger rings and 20 moa base. Did some shooting with it today here are the results:

Rem 700 VS LH .308, 1-12 twist
RL-15, 42 gr
Sierra 190gr Matchking, moly coated
Win. brass
Fed 210
COL: 2.86 (too long for magazine, but still .03" from the lands)
Range: 100 yds
Groups: 5-shot
Best: .36, Worst: .92, Avg: .64
Conditions: 82 Degrees F, 3-15 mph wind from 5 o'clock.

I didn't put up the chrono, but Hodgdon manual #26 indicates 2515 fps for this load. I would prefer to shoot 175gr bullets in this rifle, but since I have a huge stock of 190s on hand for my 30-06, I started with them.

I would like it if I could seat the bullets to magazine length and be within .01 from the lands. I guess the long throat is an attempt to build a measure of safety into the rifle, but it does not help in accuracy.

Overall I am very pleased so far.

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