Yes it was the new dimension die and let me see if I can remember all the ways they sucked. To start with they rusted overnight after I cleaned them. Light sheen on the outside of the body and micrometer stemI bought with them...poor polishing. They grunted and groaned as I sized the brass the first time , slowly got better as the machine marks filled in with brass...poor polishing. The neck expander vibrated off into a case. Had to cut it out of the case....poor polishing. Lubed cases so much I got oil dents. Bullet seater bullet guide keeps sticking. Lube , graphite lube , dry , all stick. Dry and tap with little rod...poor polishing. Bullet seating varied 6 thousanths , see sticking guide.....poor polishing. I didn't know better and thought all dies were like this. Got a new rifle and was tapped out. Bought some lees as it was all I could afford. Wow ! Night and day better ! Thought they were the bomb. Got some rcbs , low end redding and then forster. The lee , rcbs , and redding were all about the same with the lees maybe a little better and much less expensive. Now the forsters are a whole level better. Don't think you can get any better. Run out and bullet seating depth are less than a thousanth and within my ability to measure. The trimmer will always vary the col by the difference in case rim thickness. This means the necks on fired brass will vary also. Neck tensoin is critical and varying neck lenght blows that out the window. I saw an ad / artical where hornady claimed their factory ammo was better than most handloaders could make. **** right if they use hornady tools to make it. As for customer service... sent them an email askinf for guidence on using their trimmer as I was two to five thousanths variance in case trim lenght. And.....nothing ! Sent it again and ... nothing. And one more thing. I got a second set of hornady dies , this time to load for a friends 308 me. About the same but the seater sleeve doesn't hang up. Threw the 7-08 dies away.