RECOB'S has H4350 in 1 & 8 lbs. Also IMR 4831 and IMR 7828


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2021
Get it now, not on Discord yet. Shhhh don't tell......

Natchez also still has IMR 4831 and IMR 7828 and Shooter's World 4350. Don't use their "in stock" button....
I'm going to take a stab at giving the board some substitutes for H1000, Varget, and Retumbo. Gonna Post it in Reloading.
Ranked by Burn Rates on both sides. Should be close.
Recobs - Got some H4350 now I need to figure out what is the best equal for Retumbo, H1000, Varget in other brands.
Retumbo and 8133 are close. Get some right now (link below)!!!

I was very disappointed to read this article and see quotes by Jeff Recob, Mr. Tennant and others there that we gun owners and the NRA just need to accept some more regulations and curbs on gun ownership, and use. I think they just don't get it. It's not about common sense or common sense gun control or compromise anymore. There is no comprise which will either solve the problem or make the other side happy. You can compromise yourself right into confiscation, and lockdown. It's about power, and political control, and all out mind and body control at this point. If you don't realize that and you think you are being reasonable, and moderate, and trying to work with the other side, you are still living in the 1970's.

The problems we have in this country are not problems that can be resolved with more regulations. They are much deeper. They are heart problems, and mind problems, and world view problems. We have a cultural and societal problem that goes way deeper then making laws and regulations, and at the same time you are saying more gun control, you are yelling defund the police, and everything will be alright, you are just dead wrong. That's just my opinion. I believe we need to resist more regulations, and work on the heart problems, and the mind problems with a lot of resolve and firmness. Starting with our schools, school boards, and our community leaders, and representatives at state and national level. What we need is a good old fashioned 1950's American World View again.

Not more socialism, communism, and marxism........If California, and New York, and Illinois are the poster children for great gun legislation which will cure all of our crime, and violence, then give me Texas!!! And I will go there just like some others I know did
way back.
And I might add that if these men quoted in the article for Wisconsin gun owners believe they can appease the other side, something comes to mind that Winston Churchill said. He said those who appease the Crocodile by feeding it, just hope that it will eat them last.

Appeasement just postpones the terrible crunching that comes later.

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