Bryan's Litz'z new Modern Advancements In Long Range Shooting Vol 2 had a nice review of range finders and would make interesting reading if you are in the range finder market. After reading the section in the book, I'd go with a Sig Kilo2000, which came in near the top (#2?) regardless of price. I loaned out the book so I can't tell you which was #1, just remember it was a expensive mfr for very little gain.
I saw Sig Kilo2000 locally on sale this week for $400 (North 40 Oufitters online and in store). I also read on another forum that Sig will apparently be releasing a new model in the future if you can afford to wait an indeterminate time before replacing your loss.
I have a G7 Br2 and think it is great, but mostly because it computes ballistic solution along with the range finding feature. Whether the G7 Br2 is worth 4 times the cost of the Sig to get the ballistic solution packaged with the range finder is an individual call.