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Ralph Hicks from RTH Firearms Introduces Their Revolutionary Precision Long Range Semi-auto Hun


Mar 6, 2008
Ralph Hicks introduces his new precision semi-auto rifle with sub-sub MOA performance and explains how his team produced it.

We've all been in a situation where we needed to make a very fast, precise follow-up shot. In most cases, we missed our first shot because of a sudden gust of wind or DOPE was just flat-out wrong. If we fail to make the second shot, the consequences are significant: we either lose the prize game we targeted, we lose the match, or somebody gets killed.
This is a thread for discussion of the article, Ralph Hicks from RTH Firearms Introduces Their Revolutionary Precision Long Range Semi-auto Hunting and Competition Rifle. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.
Re: Ralph Hicks from RTH Firearms Introduces Their Revolutionary Precision Long Range Semi-auto

So Len, are you going to get your hands on one of these for review?

Ralph---I'm very interested in the Hunter model, but you don't give the weight, and I know the AR-10s are notoriously heavy. Also, would it be possible to get a barrel longer that 18"? John Baney, over in accurateshooter.com, has done a lot of research on various calibers, and one of his favorite things to do is start with a 32" barrel and cut it down in 2" steps to 16", testing various loads at each level. He gets a nice progression of low velocity drops at each level until he hits 24". Then there is a sizeable jump at 22", with increased jumps after that. I'd sure hate to lose a possible 75 fps going from 24" to 18" just for the sake of a few oz that could be offset by fluting the barrel.
Thanks for your consideration,
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