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R Bros 338L likes the 300 MK

Jim the Plumber17

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Went to the 600 yard line to test 2 300 grain loads in my R Bros built 338Lapua.
First 3 on steel looked good, all the splat marks overlapping so I went to paper with the 2 loads. First group was 93 grains of H1000, sticky bolt lift. Went 2 3/8" C-C. Then shot the 98 grain W872 load. 1/2 minute lower but the load shot 2 5/8" C-C. Shot of a bipod and Redman rear bag.Winds were 0-3 switching from head wind to full value left then right.
Phoenix lefty action, Manners stock, Remington trigger, Seekins bottom, mag, rings, base, lug. NF 5.5x22x50 MLR. Rock 27" M24 fluted 9.3 twist. Defensive Edge brake. Built by R Bro's rifles.
H1000 load

W872 load ( think the wind played with it a bit)

The rifle
I like the look of the verticle spread on the W872
Doesn't get much better than that.
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