
New Member
Jun 9, 2014
Anyone else having problems getting aresponse from them ? I have had a counterbore reamer paid for for over two months. Cant get em to answer the phone, or return email. Something going on thete Im not aware of? Thanks, Andy
Anyone else having problems getting aresponse from them ? I have had a counterbore reamer paid for for over two months. Cant get em to answer the phone, or return email. Something going on thete Im not aware of? Thanks, Andy

After seeing what they have done to SAMMI spec reamers lately,(going rogue and changing specs sometimes without customers knowledge) I will not use a single product of theirs. It sucks too, There fairly local too me.

Them colluding with Satern barrels have really put a hurt to the 6.5 Grendel cartridge, Adding confusion and causing pressure changes over the original (correct) design.

I just got a reamer and some gages from PT&G. Called them for status a couple of times. They always answered the phone right away and also sent me the e-mail status I had requested. The reamer looks perfect. They did not however meet their original schedule for the reamer. Dumb question I know but are you sure you are not slipping a digit on their phone number?
Have bought reamers and other equipment in the past from them. Not a lightning bolt when it comes to getting the order shipped but I have always been pleased. Hope nothing has changed as I planned on ordering some more tooling.
I had some issues when I was doing my last build so I ask why they went from good to bad service and the appologized and said they were in the process of expanding to a second building and trying to keep up with orders along with expanding and re organizing was difficult. I am hopefull that once that is done they go back to the way they were before.
I returned some stuff to them 2 months ago. I still haven't received a credit to my card. Ive called a half dozen times and they don't have a clue whats going on. They will say they will look into it and call me by the end of the day. Only once have they called back and that was when they could tell I was starting to get a little ticked off. I called up last week and asked for Dave personally. He was busy and they left a message for him. I still haven't heard back. After I turn in my free reamer certificate Im not sure if I will be ordering much more stuff from them. That's just my recent experience from them. Before that they were very pleasant to deal with.
Four months and no response to any of my inquiries. Other than the necessity of their bottom metal for projects, I'll get my reamers from Manson.
I'm seeing their quality control slipping on reamers, gauges and other rifle parts they mfg. I've had to re-work the last 20 bdl floor plates I got from them as the hing point wasn't milled correctly. I've had some Savage bolt bodies that needed re-worked to fit as well. I've sent a few reamers back that cut horrible on the first chambering. I just got a go gauge from them that was out of spec. When set to - .001" head space where the bolt will close on the go gauge and not with a a piece of clear tape on the back ( + .002" ). Tried new virgin brass and had to almost stand on the bolt to get it closed. Got another go gauge from a different mfg. Wow, a .0025" difference on go gauges and the brass now fits with no issues. My latest is 2 reamers I ordered are at 9 weeks. They list a 4-6 week lead. When I started calling at week 7 it took over a week for a return phone call. I scheduled my build lead times around when I was told the reamer should be here. Now my schedule is off and have a couple customers I have to explain why. I feel like the a-hole when I have to use " the reamer isn't here yet" over and over as an excuse. I think PTG is getting to big for their britches. They seem to keep finding time to come up with new products, which is great, but can't seem to keep up with current production. It would be nice to see customer service and delivery times stepped up on their current production parts. I've already started ordering my reamers from another mfg. Soon other rifle parts will begin being mfg'd. in house at MCR.
There are threads recently all over with PTG issues, I'm the kind of guy that does not like to have tools from all over the place so I've been a loyal PTG customer for a while and usually try to have an order a week for tooling or reamer that I might need just so I can keep ahead of the time lag but recently it's been real difficult doing business with them, of the last 5 PTG reamers I've used only 1 came in at the spec on the print.
I took three calls to get a uni throater ordered that each time they went back and confirmed they had it in stock and each time I called in there is no record of the previous order.
I have to call this morning to try to get a mandrel sorted out, ordered a simple mandrel just to give them a try and see how they work, order got turned into a whole other kit and it took several calls to get the unshipped parts stopped and the wrong one returned, then the new one shows up and it's a new wrong tool only in carbide this time. So I'll give it one more go this morning, one thing that really makes it a challenge is nothing has a part number, a simple part number would completely solve half the issues instead of trying to talk the gals in on what you want.
Still no results. This started in April. They show my return, but wont ship my replacement. Its just a counterbore reamer. Think I could have filed one myself by now! (lol) Called em again today, said they would check on it,and call me back. (really, again?)
Heres an update on my situation with PTG. They finally credited back the amount to my credit card. I had to call up and act like an extremely unhappy customer, which I don't like doing even though they had had my returned merchandise for 2 months. I figured I'd give it a whirl. Card was credited that day.
I had a custom reamer ground by PTG and one by Manson.
They both took forever.
But Manson on the phone, his words are even more sacrosanct than mine.
The girls on the phone at PTG know nothing.
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