Prep Work

steve smith

Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
OK fellas.
I know that every body has there own opinions on what is absolutely neccisary to make the most consistant and accurate handloaded ammunition. Now I'm reffering to the large overbore magnums(300whatever mag on up to Darryls 338/416 and up to the big 50). What I want to know is the specifics, if you weigh your brass what % deviation will you accept. If you turn case necks how tight to the chamber to you cut it. Come on now spill the beans!
If you want you can take me through your entire loading process. I don't mind. Honest!

[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: txhunter ]
I don't take it nearly as far as some guys.

My "routine" with new brass is to cut the primer pocket with a uniformer, deburr the flash holes, resize, trim, & chamfer the case mouth.

I just haven't made it to the weighing, measuring & segregating stage myself. I don't own any tight-neck chambers, so I don't see a need to turn necks either.

No doubt this stuff helps, I just don't do it for my own loads.
On the large cases, I deburr flash hole, resize, trim and chamfer necks/case mouth. I do not cut the primer hole any longer. I have found when handloading these (particularly with hot loads) that the cases can be used a little bit longer because the primer pockets last longer when uncut/uniformed (the primers became loose in uniformed pockets quicker than when the pocket was not cut/uniformed).
I do turn my necks to at least make the necks more uniform (so maybe only a little is taken off here or there). If I have a custom tight neck chamber then I do cut my necks and leave about .002 on each side
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