There is a difference in a pre built and a custom, A pre built is in most cases a good to excellent
rifle that someone decided what components to use based on there likes and for the most part
what they think others will like.
The one of a kind custom Is just that "One of a kind" and it should be exactly what you want.
It may not be any better or have any better components but it is yours. The interaction between the smith and you should be a very good experience but unfortunately it is not always the case.
The main difference is the potential accuracy. you may get a very accurate rifle that is a pre built
or you may get one that just barely meets there accuracy standard (Normally 1/2 to 1 MOA)
and that ends there obligation.
With a custom one of a kind the possibility is much better of a real shooter (1/2MOA or less) because it was built one at a time and you know the smith and he knows you and if you have talked to him about what you expect he should try his best to make you happy.
I always tell people I will not rush to make up for there lack of planning so plan far enough ahead
to get your rifle when you need it.
I hear stories about waiting 2 or 3 years to get your rifle, and don't understand it. it shouldn't
take over 1 or 2 months after all components are in the smiths hands. (At the most 6 months
from start to finish) Some smiths over book causing this problem so check his schedule and do
progress payments (Never pay 100% in advance because he has no incentive to finish on time)
Ether way they are both good deals it is just a matter of choice which way to go.