NF SHV or VX6 HD???


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2018
Trying to decide between the two and could use some advice. I’m looking at either the 56mm Nightforce SHV or the Leupold VX6 HD CDS in 3.5 x 18 x 50. Deciding factors are in this order;
1) low light capability / glass quality
2) tracking capability of turrets
Any input as to which of the two would be appreciated
SHV's are dependable, track true, have great optics and are very well built. They are also on sale at 15% off this Black Friday weekend :)
Please feel free to give a call, 516-217-1000, to discuss it
Happy Thanksgiving
I’m interested in the opinions you get, I’ve been looking at both those also. I have a VX5HD 3-15x56 that’s very nice in low light and a VX6 non HD 3-18x52 that to me is a little behind the 5HD. I haven’t really dialed either one.
Trying to decide between the two and could use some advice. I’m looking at either the 56mm Nightforce SHV or the Leupold VX6 HD CDS in 3.5 x 18 x 50. Deciding factors are in this order;
1) low light capability / glass quality
2) tracking capability of turrets
Any input as to which of the two would be appreciated

I have one of each and no complaints either way. My NF is on a long range rig and the VX6 is on a lightweight rifle. (the VX6 CDS is in a 2x12 and is pre-HD). Both are crystal clear, work well in low light, and track perfectly. I guess I really didn't help you out here other than saying I don't think you can go wrong either way. *Note- the NF is much heavier!!
You’re comparing a $1000 scope to one approaching twice that. The Leupold is going to have better glass, the SHV isn’t bad just isn’t gonna be as good. My buddy has a 5-25 SHV and I’ve been running a newer Leupold with HD glass. As for tracking I would bet it’s a wash between the two. The Leupold probably has better eye relief, and is lighter (if that matters). If I were budgeted to the VX6HD, I wouldn’t be looking at the lower priced Nightforce. If the higher price is a struggle for you then the SHV isn’t a bad scope, but I might be looking for a good used NXS that would split the difference in the twos cost.
You’re comparing a $1000 scope to one approaching twice that. The Leupold is going to have better glass, the SHV isn’t bad just isn’t gonna be as good. My buddy has a 5-25 SHV and I’ve been running a newer Leupold with HD glass. As for tracking I would bet it’s a wash between the two. The Leupold probably has better eye relief, and is lighter (if that matters). If I were budgeted to the VX6HD, I wouldn’t be looking at the lower priced Nightforce. If the higher price is a struggle for you then the SHV isn’t a bad scope, but I might be looking for a good used NXS that would split the difference in the twos cost.
Lots of good nightforce deals tomorrow.
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