need your help with new stock selection


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2011
action is a savage 116
barrel is McGowen large shank in 300 rum that is 30". it is a bull barrel.
starting with large shank (1.10) to 1"
looking for opinions on what stocks to consider.

As mentioned, Kevin Rayhill owner of Stockade will treat you right he specializes in custom savage stocks and can add the extra weight that you will need in the butstock for cheap, you can get the money saver with extra weight for 270 and finish it yourself and have it dipped or you can get it complete and ready bolt together in a solid color or web for 405. They are just as tough as a manners and still cheaper.
Other then a custom build I can't find a stock that fits a savage weather warrior 116 action (5.05 mounting screws seperation)
A 116 weather warrior is the same as any other off the shelf savage LAs, screw spacing is 5 1/6", stckys carries some laminates, the long range sport and long range varmint, Choate also makes a varmint and a tactical stock.
thanks for the help
I really like the feel of wood stocks. has any body tried boyds laminates?
I am looking for several stocks but the 300rum is the one that needs a sturdy stock.
looking for stocks in these guns to but they don't kick very much.
savage 93 17hmr just for fun gun
rem. 700 sps 22-250 predator gun
savage 116 243 it will be my next build
some might say I have a gun buying problem (wife) I think if you have room in the safe. its wasted space :D
i have a ross featherweight thumbhole laminate on my 270. i can't say much about recoil, since the brake on the 270 takes care of most of it & there's not that much to begin with. it does give me a solid, comfortable platform to shoot with- definitely worlds better than the tupperware the gun came with.
i recently put a laminate (barricuda) stock on my 10/22, too. so far, the gun shoots much better with it.
i have a friend with a boyd's laminate on his 300RUM. he's never complained about it around me. i think he even has one on his comp gun (6.5x47).
my point is- i haven't heard or experienced anything bad about them yet. i think they're hard to beat for the price.
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