My first elk hunt


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2015
I will be hunting elk this year in Colorado. I have a 308 and 6.5. Both shoot very accurate out to 500 yard. I practice shooting from 300 to 500
Are both guns enough for an ethical kill I read ballistics and plan to use 1500 ft lbs of force giving me a range of 400 yards. I will be using Hornady eldx
From my limited experience with the ELDX (147 gr) in 6.5.......avoid a close range shot! In my tests from a 6.5 Creed, they were extremely fragile, and came completely apart on a 30 yard shot in my test median. And yes, very close shots are a possibility!!

I'd hate to see your first (and possibly your only) elk hunt, end in failure due to the bullet not be up to the task. It will certainly work if perfectly placed where it meets minimal resistance prior to reaching the vitals, but in hunting .....there are no guarantees! memtb
From my limited experience with the ELDX (147 gr) in 6.5.......avoid a close range shot! In my tests from a 6.5 Creed, they were extremely fragile, and came completely apart on a 30 yard shot in my test median. And yes, very close shots are a possibility!!

I'd hate to see your first (and possibly your only) elk hunt, end in failure due to the bullet not be up to the task. It will certainly work if perfectly placed where it meets minimal resistance prior to reaching the vitals, but in hunting .....there are no guarantees! memtb
What do you suggest
Assuming that your ranges will allow your bullet to remain at a reliable expansion speed... I would go with a good bonded or mono bullet! My preferences heavily lean toward the mono's. Check out the Hammer's and many of the comments about them on this forum. I think you would be quite happy with them!

Though you didn't ask.....I'd also lean toward the .308 over the 6.5. Unless the 6.5 is one of the "hot rod" 6.5's. I'm very "old school" when it comes to elk, I prefer a larger hole in my elk....preferably 2 holes! 😉 The mono's will allow you greater shooting angles on your game, due to much greater penetration capabilities. When you have limited hunting time and large bodied, heavy boned animals are your interest..... having greater shot options is a plus! memtb
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Either rig will do you just fine provided you steer it properly.

For bullets check out Hammers, Partitions, Accubonds, TTSX and you'll be more than golden. One well placed shot behind the front and get ready for packing.

Will you be huntiing on your own or guided?
Either rig will do you just fine provided you steer it properly.

For bullets check out Hammers, Partitions, Accubonds, TTSX and you'll be more than golden. One well placed shot behind the front and get ready for packing.

Will you be huntiing on your own or guided?
Thanks for all the feedback. I shoot both guns very accurate. I practice weekly. The 6.5 is a creedmoor I will most likely go with the 308 and use the heaviest bullet.
What do you suggest

Barnes LRX, TSX or TTSX

what I ran in my 308 for hunting was Barnes 168gn TSX Match. I had very good experience with hat bullet both accuracy wise and terminal performance.

175gn SMK's we're always my go to bullet
in my 308's at distance, but in my experience regarding accuracy at close to mid ranges, those 168's performed better.
I like the 308 for what you're planning. Just use a balastics chart for your bullet, speed and altitude. Remember, altitude means less air resistance and extends your balastic range if coming from lower elevations. I use the old 1500 pounds of energy but to me equally or more important is a minimum velocity threshold. Most bullet makers say 1800, some a little more and some a little less. I've set my minimum at 2000 to help ensure reliable expansion.

I'm not a huge fan of solids in a 308 as they do best at high speeds. To be honest I don't have a tremendous amount of experience with them but have shot a few with ttsx's. We're I to go momo in a 308 it would be a 150 hammer to get the speed up.

I like the nos ab, hornady interbond or a big heavy berger in say 185.
I will be hunting elk this year in Colorado. I have a 308 and 6.5. Both shoot very accurate out to 500 yard. I practice shooting from 300 to 500
Are both guns enough for an ethical kill I read ballistics and plan to use 1500 ft lbs of force giving me a range of 400 yards. I will be using Hornady eldx
What is your current load for the .308 Win?
Hammers have better terminal characteristics than the Barnes and typically get you higher velocities. You may be able to go heavier depending on your twist rate, but speed is your friend here. As long as your impact velocity is 1,800 or greater, you'll be happy with the results of the Hammers. My 6.5x284 spinning 124 Hammers kills just as good as my 7LRM pushing 169 Hammers. If anything the little 124 gr pill does it better because they are faster. ;) I never cease to be amazed at the potency of that little 124 HH.

I'm supposing you reload?

The 6.5 CM will run a 124 HH around 3,000 fps (need 8 twist or faster), which will get you well past 500 yd for terminal effectiveness. The 308 pushing 152 gr Hammers (12 twist or faster) at 3,000 fps (if you can), will also get you to 500 yd, but the 6.5 Creed and the smaller bullet has the edge in terminal effectiveness due to sectional density and higher retained velocity at those ranges (higher BC). Either will get the job done from 0 - 500 yd. All you got to worry about is doing your part to get it where it belongs.

For factory loads, my recommendation would be to go with a Barnes load or the Federal Terminal Ascent or Trophy Bonded Tip, whichever it shoots the best.
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