MT drawing results are now available ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
Got me a B elk (cow) at the Beartooth WMA. This the 1st year since 2004 that I didn't get drawn for E-S antelope, not bad at all. I doubt it but maybe I can get lucky on a doe/fawn surplus tag later.

Good luck!

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No B elk for my wife, son or myself.
No buck antelope for us either.

That just sucks!! Unfortunately, The young bulls will pay the price for this. :rolleyes: and we will feed the cow elk all year again.

Only a bow tag this year. No elk or antelope special rifle tags for me. During rifle season I will be watching the rest of the family and spotting behind the gun. I prefer it this way anyway.:D
My luck stayed the same. Put in for everything and so far drew nothing. Have one more chance in Sept. for Buffalo. I am not holding my breath....dgarrett
314-80 cow b tag ,I get to leave a dink eater bull alive

314 deer b tag ( back yard tree eaters)
700 either sex antelope some idiot put in for the wrong area
No second choice in 490 with 100 percent on first choice last year
700 antelope doe fawn ( I expected these results)

Hmm season opener of wolf hunting Sept 15 everywhere, I do not need all those other distractions (tags) when I get to buy 5 mutt tags!
Me and the Mrs got our buck and doe antelope tags and extra muley doe tags for the area our north ranch is in and I got my extra cow tag for the back yard,looks like the F&G slipped up and gave me a break!gun)
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