ML Opener

Shane Lindsey

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
Was able to connect on this guy opening day in Virginia. It's not the size of the rack that is the trophy, it's the table fare I can provide the family. Can't eat the horns anyway.

Ahh who am I kidding...that's what we all say when we shoot the little ones...

Knight Disc, converted to shoot BH 209. Cut the barrel back to 20". CEB 250 Maximus with Green Harvester. 1875 FPS out the muzzle.

Shot about 30 yards from the tree stand. Good blood trail. Top pic is entrance, bottom pic is the exit. Looks smaller than the entrance. The Maximus seemed to do its job well. Went about 50 yards. Quick look through the gut pile revealed it clipped the top of the heart. Didn't see any evidence of the "fracture" of the front portion, but with such a small exit, I expect that is what it did. I didn't see any other smaller exits though.

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That should eat fine. Our season here in TN opens this Saturday. Will be in the woods with the old Knight T-Bolt converted to shoot 209 primers loaded with 80 grs. by volume with FFG Hodgdon 777 MMP high pressure sabot and a Hornady .452 diameter 250 gr XTP. Been killing deer with this bullet for many years.
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