Missing rifle reunited with owner in Bagdad AZ

Bob, what a great story with a greater ending. I do not hear or read anything good these days and thats not for lack of trying. I wake up to LRH and (even now) go to bed after reading with ya'll as well. This site has done a ton for me just reading and getting help with load data and the like, but this story is by far the best read I've seen in awhile. God Bless you Sir and thanx for sharing it with all of us for sure!! NSN/75w
Bob, what a great story with a greater ending. I do not hear or read anything good these days and thats not for lack of trying. I wake up to LRH and (even now) go to bed after reading with ya'll as well. This site has done a ton for me just reading and getting help with load data and the like, but this story is by far the best read I've seen in awhile. God Bless you Sir and thanx for sharing it with all of us for sure!! NSN/75w
Yes, the finder, Gerry, who I felt was honest and sincere was just that. He deserves so much credit, it seems like I was the play by play guy. This site overwhelmingly responded as I hoped it would. A small town and PD that connected deserves credit too. It's a material thing to many, but personal to many more.

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