Missing 411: The Hunted


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2020
Ok on Amazon prime just watched a documentary call Missing 411: The Hunted
it was about the mysterious disappearance of hunters and others that just seemed to vanish with no clues. Sometimes they would find the person and sometimes not. Often they would find them later in areas they had already searched.
Now have any of y'all been on a hunt or knew someone that just vanished?
The wife and I watched it the other night. It left a lot of questions unanswered. My wife said I can still going hunting by myself. We even watched the other Missing 411. It was more towards missing children. I thought both shows were good to watch. But I like that kind of stuff.

Took Jill hunting many times and she always seems to come back to the truck. Maybe I should try another Hunting Channel with missing hunters 🤣 🤣 (or park in another place).

Just joking Jill is an Angel sent from our Almighty Father to take care of me. If anyone should go missing it should be me!
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There's a missing hunter in the area I hunt. The family used to put signs up each season but not anymore as several years have passed. Its pretty rugged terrain with lots of places one would likely never be found.

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