I went calling Saturday down on my farm. Set up and after 20 minutes a coon started crossing the field at 300 yards. He was on a mission and would not stop. I finialy quit calling and waited 10min before I desided to get up. Just then I saw a coyote headed towards me down the edge of the field. He stopped at 200 yards and started sniffing around where I had dropped off a deer carcase back in December. Knowing what I know now, I should have called him right up to me. He gave me a good broardside shot and I had a steady rest over a dirt pile. I put the cross hairs on him and squeezed the trigger. He jumped up and then started looking around. I can't believe I missed that shot. I took carefull aim and missed again. He started trotting off and stopped in the middle of the field. I shot again and he just trotted off. He never did run, he didn't know what was going on and just left the field. I got up and went to my shootingrange and set up a target at 100yds. It was shooting 6" low at 100. That means it was way under him at 200. I have mill dots and know where this rifle shoots at up to 400 yards. I have not shot this rifle in 2 months but I have carried it with me all hunting season. I hunt almost everyday during deer season from a blind and take this 223 along with my deer rifle just incase I see a varmint to shoot. I checked everything on the rifle and scope and it was tite. I don't remember dropping it but something happened, to be off that much. I sighted in my new 22-250 last week and started to take it instead of the 223 but I didn't. Back to the drawing board.